Chapter 80: Festival Time

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After the fight between Iris and Leontine was over, all of us except Leontine and the maids went back to the Inn.

Leontine's orders were to just watch over the house and try to work on the firework rocket and report back to me if she made any discoveries. Once we were back at the Inn, I fell face first in the bed. 

I was so tired that after I laid in my bed, my body instantly gave out and I lost consciousness. Man, that was really tiresome. 

It's nice that Iris is back to her usual self but she still doesn't trust Leontine. We'll have to work on that later on after the festival.

Speaking of the festival, I should head over to the Temple to see how Fate is holding up. After all that chaos with the goddess, it took us a while to partly fix the city. 

We were only able to save the people and also repair most of the buildings in the city so they wouldn't cause further harm. There was also the funerals for the people that died during the pirate raid and also Oena's rampage.

I'll be sure to attend the funerals to pay my respects. It's the least I could do.

I then began to wake up from my nap. That was a pretty good sleep. 

I was about to get out of bed until I felt something tugging on me. 


I looked under my covers and saw Iris in her pajamas. She was wrapping her arms around my waist.

Hmm, she must have slipped in while I was asleep. I gently took Iris's arms off me and quickly got out of bed. 

I then covered Iris with the blanket so she wouldn't get cold. I didn't know what time it was but it seemed pretty chilly despite it being summer.

Anyway, once I washed my face and ate something, I left the Inn and headed over to the Temple. As I was walking over there, I felt a strange presence watching me again.

I used [Radar] to see how many there were, then I used [Analyze] with [Radar] to see who they were. There were about three men following me.

They didn't appear to be strangers and none of them was Billy. Hmm, what to do?

I instantly came up with an idea and a devilish smile showed on my face. I used [Radar] one more time to find my enemies.

Once I did that, I opened up my map and tagged all three of them. This was basically me just marking them.

After that, I used summoning magic and called a couple of rabid dogs near their vicinity. The dogs were summoned to attack the marked targets so once they found them, they charged right at them.

I could slightly hear the stalkers screaming while running away from my dogs. Hearing this, I continued to walk with a joyful smile on my face.

Still, I've been getting alot of stalkers lately. It might have something to do with my association with the Temple.

If that's the case, then I'll have to be mindful of that. The next time I feel that someone is stalking me, I'll be sure to get some answers out of them. 

Until then, I need to hurry to the Temple. Once I arrived, I noticed that the suspicious man with the evil mustache was here.

He was talking to Fate.

"Even after witnessing our goddess's wraith, you're still letting the festival go on?" He asked.

"Yes because the situation was dealt with." Fate told him.

"How can you be sure?! The goddess might try to destroy our city again, yet you neglect the risks and continue this damn festival!" 

"This festival is what keeps Oena happy and keeps her from destroying our city. If we stop the festival now, she'll destroy us." 

"She already tried! You need to stop this festival before she tries again." 

"No, I've already made up my mind." 

"Then you're going to doom this city for your ignorance and arrogance."

"This city will not fall because we will make sure this festival is better than the previous ones. This year's festival will go on and nothing you do will change that." 

Wow, Fate sounded determined. It's a good thing she is because if she did stop the festival then Oena would seriously get pissed.

"You're making a grave mistake, Oracle." 

"The only mistake I've made was talking to the likes of you, Earl Stone. Don't think I don't know why you're trying so hard to stop this Festival." Fate said coldly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." 

Hmm, this guy sounds nervous. I'm guessing Fate hit a nerve.

"You really think that after almost two hundred years of being Oracle, I can't tell when someone's going after this Temple's holy item? A regular Oracle who's new at the job might be fooled but I've seen enough crooks like you to think twice." 

Holy item? Was she talking about that guardian? 

Maybe the guardian is protecting the item. Hmm, I want to ask but I'll just listen in for now.

"I'm not sure what you're accusing me of but I refuse to listen to this nonsense. I'll be leaving for now but don't think this is the end!" 

I then heard footsteps coming towards me. I didn't know why but I activated my [Invisibility] spell so the Earl wouldn't see me when he walked by.

After he left, I turned off my spell and walked over to the Oracle.

"That guy's really annoying," I told Fate.

"Yes, he is. I'm sorry you had to hear that." Fate apologized.

"Don't sweat it. Besides, he's right about saying this isn't the end. He'll likely come back with something to make you stop the festival and evacuate."

"I know and before he does that, I'll be prepared." 

"You want my help? I can ask Nami to spy on him to see what he does." I offered.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. You can do that if you like." 

I was actually going to spy on the guy anyway but I won't tell her that. There's also that strange presence I was feeling. 

I get the feeling that they're connected somehow. I can't be sure but I'd bet that they are.

"By the way, I've come up with an idea that will make this year's festival incredible," I told Fate.

"Really? What is it?" She asked.

"You'll see when the last day of the festival arrives. I don't want to spoil the surprise." 

"Hmm, that's a pity. Oh well, since you saved the city, I'll let and slide and wait until the last day. I'm looking forward to it." 

"Don't worry, it'll be amazing," I promised her.

"Now then, shall we head out? We need to inspect the festival to ensure that nothing's wrong." Fate told me.

"Sure. I'll be following your lead, so lead the way." 

"Right. Let's go then." 

Fate and I then left the Temple and headed outside to inspect the Festival. Alright, let's see how this inspection thing goes.

I mean, it can't be that hard, right?

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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