Chapter 103: Scarlett Ignis

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After a couple hours of riding, we finally made it to Cloak Town. 

As usual, once we arrived at the gate, we had to show the guards our papers. Since Nami and Billy were both Killers For Hire along with Scarlett, I decided to just turn them invisible so no one can recognize them.

Once the guards confirmed our identities, we were allowed to enter the town. Since Scarlett was with us, I didn't have time to look around the town so I told Kenji to immediately find an Inn for us. 

A couple minutes passed and we finally made it to an Inn to stay at. I told Kenji and Yuno to order us some rooms. 

I also told Iris to go with them. Iris didn't argue with me and followed Kenji and Yuno.

There were only four people in the carriage now. Billy, Nami, Scarlett, and me.

"Alright, what's the plan, Yuuto?" Nami asked.

"We're going to help Scarlett," I told her.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Billy voiced his opinion.

I looked over at him and saw that he was slightly sweating. It wasn't hot enough for him to sweat and he didn't do anything physical to cause the sweating so my only conclusion is that he's nervous. 

I can understand why he's so nervous. Since Scarlett's with us, he thinks that once she wakes up, she'll likely burn everything in her sights. 

"Doesn't matter. I've already made up my mind and I'm not going to change it," I told them.

It's one thing if Scarlett was the one that caused all this but she's not the problem, it's Infernus. Since Infernus possessed Scarlett, she then went on a rampage and then turned into a killer for hire. 

I'm pretty sure that Scarlett didn't want anything of this and was just forced to ride along on Infernus's joy ride. Knowing this just pisses me off.

"Alright, I got a job for you two," I announced to them.

"What's the job?" Nami asked.

"I need you two to do recon work around the town. You just need to keep an eye out for any enemies that might be after Scarlett." 

They didn't say anything for a minute but nodded, confirming their orders. They understand where I'm going.

Since Infernus burned a couple of villages, it's likely that bounty hunters or even the orders will catch wind of her location and start hunting her down. Until I figure out a way to help Scarlett, I don't want any trouble getting in my way.

Once Nami and Billy confirmed their orders, they left the carriage to start their mission. As soon as they left, Iris came back to the carriage.

"Yuuto, our rooms are ready." She informed me. 

"Good, please get Yuno for me, please," I asked her.

Iris then left again to go get Yuno. Once Yuno arrived, I told her to watch over Scarlett while I get to my room. 

As soon as I got to my room, I opened up a portal that was in the carriage. Yuno then grabbed Scarlett and went through the portal. 

I told Yuno to place Scarlett on the bed and she did so. Hmm, she's still asleep, huh.

"Master, I recommend we restrain this person. When she wakes up, she'll likely try to run away." Kenji advised me.

"We're not doing that. Scarlett isn't going to do anything." I told him.

"But, Master, she's dangerous." Yuno urged me.

"I said no so no. This is an order from your Master." 

When I ordered them in a stern voice, they didn't say anything else. I then turned my attention back to Scarlett. 

Damn, she's still not waking up. I don't have time for this.

I was losing my patience and decided to speed things up. I walked over to Scarlett and used [Wake] on her.

As soon as I did, she woke up with a start and almost jumped out of bed. Kenji and Yuno were ready to fight her but I signaled them to stand down. 

They were hesitant but did as they were told. I looked back at Scarlett and saw that she was scanning her surroundings frantically.

After looking around the room, she finally noticed me and others. Before she could say anything, I introduced myself and my friends.

"Hello there. My name is Shoda Yuuto and these are my friends. I see you're doing alright." 

After the introductions, I then further explained the situation we were currently in. I included parts of my explanation like the burning villages and the fight with Karma.

As soon as I mentioned my alternate self, she then remembered everything that happened. Scarlett paused for a moment then started to tear up.

"I killed them . . . I killed them . . ." She muttered under her breath. 

She must be talking about the villagers that lived in the village Infernus burned down. 

"You don't have to worry about the villagers. We just happen to come by the burning village and was able to save them." I assured her.

Hearing this, Scarlett somewhat calmed down but soon panicked again. 

"Y-you can't be here! I-I can't be here! I-I need to leave now!" 

Scarlett quickly got up but I stopped her before she could move another muscle. 

"It's alright. If you're worried about Infernus taking control, that problem was already dealt with." I told her.

"Huh? H-how . . ." 

I then explained to Scarlett about the fight with Infernus and the ring on her finger. I made sure to leave out the part that I made the ring and said that Karma, my alternate ego, was the one that had it in his person at the time and thought it could be of some use.

It sounded really suspicious especially the part about Karma having the ring that could seal some elemental spirit. I thought Scarlett would question my explanation but she just sighed in relief as she stared at the ring. 

Behind me, I felt an ominous presence but did my best to ignore it. Alright, now it's time to get down to business.

"Scarlett, I know it's going to be hard for you but . . . I need to know about Infernus. If it's too much then you don't have to talk about it but it would be beneficial to both of us if you did tell me." 

Hearing the mere mention of Infernus turned Scarlett's face grim. Despite that, she told everything Infernus. 

She told me about when she first got possess by Infernus and all the horrible things Infernus did that caused Scarlett to be a wanted criminal. None of us spoke and allowed Scarlett to tell us everything.

After hearing Scarlett's story, rage started to swell up inside me. When I heard about Scarlett's life story, I couldn't help but get angry.

She was just a normal person until Infernus came along. Because of Infernus, her entire life was turned into a living hell. 

She's on the run from almost every dangerous person in this world and it was all because of Infernus. Not only that but Scarlett is forced to watch as Infernus killed people while in her body.

I couldn't help myself and made a decision. 

"Scarlett, I will do my very best to help you get rid of Infernus." I declared. 

When I declared this, everyone stared at me in surprise. Scarlett was the most surprised out of all of them.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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