Chapter 24: The Magic Potions

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"I'm sorry that you had to go through that Yuuto." Whitney apologized.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have pissed him off in the first place." I told her.

"But still, thank you for sticking up for me." 

She seemed a little nervous when she thanked me. I could tell that her face was red and she was lowering her head to keep her face from being seen.

"No problem. That noble was getting on my nerves and he shouldn't have said those things to you."

Besides, I already planned out my revenge on that bastard. I'm gonna make sure that he realizes who he's messing with.

"So, what do we do now?" Whitney asked me.

"Simple, we making the potions and get your business up and running." 

"But every in this town knows about me. They won't just change their minds and buy my potions."

"Which is why we're going to get their attention."


"Since your potions are far superior to that noble's potion, we just have to do a little demonstration."

"But the townspeople won't just come in here for that. They think Ash's potions are better and nothing will change that."

"Which is why we're going to give them a reason to change their minds." 

"B-but how?" She wasn't convinced about my plan but I assured her.

"Don't worry. I'll help you with this problem." 

After that, I told her to go to the workroom to start making the potions like we practiced. I then turned my attention towards Kenji and Yuno who looked kind of pissed.

"Master, why did you stop us?" Yuno asked me in an angry tone.

"Because I didn't want the situation getting out of hand," I told her.

"He almost attacked you. Worst of all, he threatened you. Something like that cannot be forgiven." Yuno was really angry about my encounter with that noble.

"Relax. If he actually hit me then I would've given you permission to kick that guy's ass but he didn't so there was no need to go that far."

Although I say that, I was tempted to kill that noble but I didn't want to make things worse and held in my anger.

"And what happens if he tries that again?" Kenji asked.

"I already thought of multiple times of when he'll likely assault me. That's why we're going to keep our distance until I say otherwise."

"That noble should die for threatening you, master. He shouldn't get to live," Yuno told me.

"You're not wrong but I have a better idea that way better than killing him," I told her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We're going to crush his pride," I told her.

"How are we going to do that?" Kenji asked.

"The answer is simple. It's Whitney." 

They both looked at me with a confused face and then Yuno showed a disgusted face. It was only for a split second but I was able to see that she wasn't happy about my plan.

"How does that woman fall into your plan?" Yuno asked.

You know, it might be my imagination but Yuno's starting to get a little hostile with Whitney. I don't know why but it seems that everytime Whitney's mentioned, Yuno just can't stand her.

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