Chapter 51: Leaving A Little Early

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As soon as I got to the shop, I told everyone about the unexpected news I got from Billy Mercer. 

Once I told everyone about it, they all looked shocked.

"Are you sure Billy isn't screwing with us?" Nami asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't think he is. I believe him because it sounds very reasonable to the point where if it didn't happen then somethings up." 

I hate to say it but Billy has to be telling the truth. Even if he did want to lie, he knew I would figure it out and think I'll come after him for lying to me.

The worst part about all this is that I didn't even expect something like this. I should've known that taking down Hazel would make not only allies but also enemies. 

"So, what are we going to do?" Nami asked.

"We're leaving tonight. I wanted to stay in this town a little longer but we can't afford to." 

Since we're leaving tonight, I need to say goodbye to Whitney. I'm sure she's currently at her shop right now so I'll have to head down there so I could say bye.

"Kenji, I need you to come with me. I'm going to visit Whitney and tell her goodbye." I told Kenji.

He complied and followed me outside. I told the others to get their things ready while I'm gone.

I really didn't want to do this but I have no choice. If I stay in this town then I'll just be putting more people in danger including Whitney and other people that I know.

Hah, this is starting to be a pain. 

-David's POV-

So that's Shoda Yuuto, huh?

He doesn't really look like much but since he's the one that took down Hazel of all people, I can't let my guard down. Besides, this kid's bounty is off the charts.

His bounty is more than Billy's and he's the top three people with the highest. Geez, there's no way I can't skip out on this.

Speaking of Billy, I heard that he skipped out on this bounty. I thought he would be all for this.

Something must be up since he didn't pick up a bounty that's bigger than his. That's the only conclusion I can go with.

I was standing on top of one of the buildings close to the Mithril Star. I heard that that's the shop that Shoda Yuuto owns.

Since Yuuto's the only one with the bounty, I'll only be going for him so the others are just collateral damage if they get in my way. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

I don't like killing innocent people unless they get in my way so if this guy's friends try to save him, it's their fault for getting in my way. Alright, let's see where he's going.

I then started to follow Shoda Yuuto, he seems to have someone with him so I guess I'll have to kill him as well. I kept following them for about almost ten minutes until they stopped at another shop called The Gray Apothecary.

Hmm, why would he go to this place? Doesn't he sell his own potions?

Regardless, I'll just wait here until he leaves the shop so I can kill him. If it takes too long, then I'll just go in and kill everyone in there.

I don't like wasting valuable time but hopefully, it won't come to that. 

"Well, I figured that those crime lords would send someone after Yuuto but I didn't expect that they send you, of all people." 

I then heard the voice of an old enemy.

-Yuuto's POV-

"Yuuto? What are you doing here at this hour?" Whitney asked.

It seemed that she was about to close up shop until I just happened to pop by. Now, how am I going to break the news to her?

She'll likely be devastated since I helped her out all this time. I helped her with the potions and even made her a royal alchemist.

If I hadn't entered her life, she'd still be in her old town probably bankrupt due to the bandits. I can see how Whitney will react.

"You see, some things came up and due to that, I have to leave," I told her.

At first, Whitney was shocked. She just stared at me with a shocked expression.

Man, I really hate doing this. 

"I-I see. Well, it's to be expected, I guess." Whitney then smiled but it was more of a sad smile.

"I'm really sorry to leave you. I didn't want to leave this city yet but I have no choice. I'll likely not be able to visit you for quite some time." I told her.

"It's alright. You're merchant so traveling is part of your job. I just wish I could repay you for all things you've done for me." 

"You don't have to do that, you know? I helped you because it was the right thing to do. I don't need to be repaid." 

"I know since this is you, but I still want to make it up to you. I guess you can call it a selfish request." 

"Tell you what. When I return, you can repay me with a drink or something." I offered.

"Okay! I can do that so just come back when your business is over, okay?" 

"Sure thing." 

Whitney looked happy so I couldn't help but smile. I still felt guilty leaving her but I this moment felt nice.

This tender moment was soon over when someone crashed through the window. Kenji went on the defensive while I grabbed Whitney and got her behind the counter.

When I looked over the counter, I saw Billy on the floor. Why is he here?!

"Man, I forgot how tough that fella was. Since he was trained by the black order, I guess I shouldn't be surprised." He said.

Who was he talking about? Some guy from the Black Order?

Wait, is he talking about . . .

Before I could finish my sentence, a man with a black coat and brown leather armor. He had a hood over his head and was carrying a broadsword on his side.

Don't tell me . . . Is that David Hunter? 

"I don't have time for games, Billy. Stay out of my way or I'm going to have to kill you." He warned Billy.

"Come now, David. If you really wanted to kill me then you would've done so sooner." 

Oh crap, this just got a lot worse, didn't it?

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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