Chapter 35: The Royal Party

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I will say this only once so listen carefully.

I do not and will not find any enjoyment in attending parties for rich people. This means no matter what happens at this party, I will not find any kind of joy.

I'm mean, what's to like about this kind of stuff? It's a gathering of rich, snobby, and very selfish rich people that are showing off their power and wealth.

I'll never see the point in something like that. I'm pretty sure that any royal parties are just some competition to see whos better.

For example, when we entered the room where all the other guest were, I was surrounded by people in very fancy and expensive looking clothing. Now, of course, they're rich so I shouldn't be complaining about that but the outfits that some of these people are wearing is just bizarre.

 There was a middle age blond woman that was wearing some kind of white swan outfit. Who in the world would wear that at some party?

I'll tell you who; people that want to show off as much as possible. Just seeing this kind of crap makes me regret coming to this party.

Despite my disgust at this party, I still held up a smile and kept going. I only wish that my poker face had some skill I could put points in so that I wouldn't falter.

(Author's Note: Reference to Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody. I love that anime/manga/light novel!)

As we walked around the ballroom where the rich people were, Yuno and Iris stuck close to me. Yuno was keeping close to protect me while Iris clung to me so I could protect her.

It seems Iris was uncomfortable in this place so I allowed her to stick close to me. I was on the alert as well because I didn't know what was going to happen during this party.

"Yuuto, over here." 

I finally found Whitney who was waving at me to come over. We went over to her so that we could talk.

"I'm assuming that you're enjoying yourself?" I asked her.

"Not really. I'm not that good with parties and since this is a royal party, I'm even more nervous than before." 

She wasn't kidding when she said she was nervous. I saw the bottom half of her dress vibrate and I noticed that her legs wouldn't stop shaking.

I can't blame her for being so nervous since we're surrounded by people that could buy and sell us in a heartbeat. Maybe I can help her ease that stress.

I came up with an idea and gently grabbed her hand.

"W-what are you doing?!" She yelped.

I then used [Calm] on her so that her stress could die down a bit. When I was done, I let go of her and she looked surprised.

"W-what did you do?" She asked me.

"Just a little spell to help you relax," I told her.

"You can use magic?" She asked me.

"Only a little. Also, don't tell anyone." I told her while smiling.

Whitney then smiled back while agreeing not to tell. This is a pleasant feeling.

That pleasant feeling soon went away when I felt a strong aura filled with malice. I looked around but didn't find the person who was giving off the killing intent. 

That is until I looked behind me and saw two very angry looking girls staring at me. Uh-oh, I guess I made them angry when I was enjoying myself with Whitney.

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