Chapter 101: The Fire Demon

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"Infernus?!" Leontine gasped in surprise.

"You know who this person is?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Infernus is a powerful Fire Spirit. Her power is close to the gods level." 

She's that powerful?! I took a quick look at her status and saw that her level was in the eight hundred. 

You gotta be kidding me! She's stronger than both Yuno and Kenji!

This situation just got alot worse. How the hell am I going to deal with this?

"Hahahahaha! It seems that your friend knows of my reputation. That's good! It's nice to know that I'm still known by a few people." Infernus chuckled.

[Leontine, how are we going to deal with this?] I asked.

[I'm not sure. I've only heard about Infernus. I've never fought her before.]

Damn it. There's got to be something that we can do.

"Alright, time to get started! I won't hold this form for long so let's do this!" 

Infernus started to burn brighter and hotter to the point it was getting hard to breathe. Shit!

It's getting hard to breathe! I need air!

I then activated my [Barrier] and I was soon able to breathe again. Damn, I didn't expect her to get hot to the point where I couldn't breathe.

I looked back at Leontine and saw that she was fine. Well, she's a robot so I guess that makes sense. 

"Impressive! You managed to withstand my fire aura. The majority would die from suffocation because my fire aura literally sucks out the air around me." Infernus applauded us.

[Yuuto, are you okay?] Leontine asked me.

[Yeah, for now. We need to deal with this monster before things get worse.]

If the air around us is getting thin then that means it'll reach the others. I need to find a way to deal with Infernus quickly.

Hang on . . .

"Hey, Infernus!" I called the Fire Demon.

"What is it?" She asked me.

"Is Scarlett still alive in there or did she die?" 

I wanted to know this because if Scarlett was alive then there might be a chance.

"Unfortunately, this human is still alive. The thing about possession for spirits is that we need a living host in order to possess them. There are spirits that can possess dead bodies but for spirits like me, I need a living body in order to possess them." She explained.

Hmm, I see. She also said something about her true form, right?

"You said that we should wrap this up because you're not holding back, right? Is there some kind of time limit when you go all out?" 

"Hmm? Oh yeah, that's correct. Since you humans are so fragile, spirits like me can't keep our true forms up for very long." 

All I needed to hear. 

"Alright, let's see what you're truly made of then!" I challenged her.

This made Infernus smile with glee.

"Hehehe! That's the spirit!"

Infernus seems to be getting excited and took a fighting position. Her hands then started to catch fire. 

I feel like I've seen that in a game before. Whatever, I don't have time to think about that anyway.

Infernus then charged at me. I didn't see any magic circles appear or any familiars backing her up.

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