Chapter 20: More Bandits

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The next morning after dealing with the goblins, soldiers arrived at the village that we were staying at. 

"The blockade is removed so you can pass through, now." The soldier told us.

"That was quick. What happened?" I asked knowing the answer. 

"The goblins were taken care off quicker than we expected. I believe that you should head across the border before another blockade happened." He didn't say anything else.

I knew that he was trying to hide the fact that the masked and hooded figure came in and save them. Since this was the case, I didn't bother to press on since I already knew what happened.

After the soldier gave us the green light, we got on our carriage and traveled across the border. We were finally in the Walen Country.

The Walen Country was controlled by The White order. There were a total of four Orders controlling the countries. 

There was The Blue Order, The Red Order, The Black Order, and The White Order. Each Order controlled four countries each.

The Orders even had areas of countries that they controlled. The White Order controlled the northern countries, The Black Order controlled the southern countries, The Blue Order controlled the eastern countries and The Red Order controlled the western countries.

There were also four Continents. The Continent that we're currently traveling was Auzai.

The other Continents were Breqall, Drolen, and Larela. They all had different politics than Auzai so if I travel to the other continents, I'll have to learn about their rules too.

There was also Ogasawara. This was Continent of its own but it's not an official continent to the other continents eyes. 

I would like to visit Ogasawara sometime. Maybe I'll make that the place I'll settle down.

Hmm, I just figured out something. Almost everything about this world was associated with the number four. 

(Author's Note: The number four is my second favorite number. The reason why is because it's the same number of Horsemen of the apocalypse. Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War. Also, my number 1 favorite number is seven because it's associated with the seven deadly sins.)

While I was thinking that, Nami asked me a question. 

"Hey, what are you going to do about the killer for hire that's after you?" 

She was still in her cat form so when she asked me her question, she was laying on my lap while I was stroking her. I don't know why she allowed me to do this but I just couldn't stop myself from petting her.

"Well, I need to know which one is after me. Since we believe that Billy Mercer is after us, I already have a plan to deal with him." I told her.

"What's the plan?" She asked.

"Sorry but I'm not going to ruin the surprise," I told her.

She was irritated that I didn't tell her my plan but she wasn't the only one that didn't know. Iris and even Kenji and Yuno didn't know so she wasn't the only one in the dark.

After our conversation, we continued to travel through the forest in the Walen Country.

. . .

"Master, there's trouble up ahead," Kenji informed me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There are seven bandits raiding a carriage in front of us." Yuno notified me.

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