Chapter 27: Punishment Time

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-Jerry's POV-

Crap, I'm the only one still standing. 

I'm all alone with these monsters. These guys were able to take out my men like they were nothing.

Standing before me were the ones that Ash hired me to kill. My main target was Whitney but with that black-haired guy with and his friends, we weren't able to finish them off.

It was us that actually got taken care of. Somehow, when we arrived at the shop, my men were easily taken down.

"Now then, shall we start our conversation, Ms. Bandit? By the way, my name is Yuuto" The black-haired guy named Yuuto asked me with a sinister smile.

"Like I talk to you." I sneered at him.

I may be the last one standing but that didn't mean I was going to back down to the likes of him. I was given the job as leader of the bandits because I would not accept defeat and I plan to win this no matter what.

"You know, acting all confident when you know you're doomed to fail isn't being brave. In fact, you're being more arrogant than anything." He warned me.

"Doesn't matter because I'm not saying anything to you." 

"Really now? Well, I don't need you to tell me anything because I already know everything." 

"Yeah? Like what?" I tried to intimidate him.

"Let's see, I know the person who hired you." He told me.

There's no way he could know that. I made sure that I wasn't followed and so did Ash.

That's how we always do things when we meet so now I know this guy's lying through his teeth. All I did was smile at the fact that I knew he was lying.

When Yuuto saw me smirking, this just made him smile. I don't know why but I lost my grin after seeing that.

"You know, I knew that Ash would go through plenty of lengths to get Whitney out of the picture but using bandits two to three times in a row isn't the way to do it." 

. . . Did he just say what I think he just said?

How does he know about Ash?! There's no way could know that kind of information!

I know I wasn't followed and Ash did too. So how did this guy know about him?

I started to sweat a bit and Yuuto noticed.

"Wow, even if you don't say anything, your expressions and aura tell me all I need to know," Yuuto noted with merriment.

There's no way that this bastard could know about Ash, but he does! I just can't figure out how he could have known.

"My my, do you want to know how I knew about Ash that bad?" He asked and laughed like some demon.

Of course, I wanted to know but that will mean that they win. I refuse to admit defeat so easily.

"Though it would be stupid to reveal my tricks so I'll just keep how I know about your meeting with Ash a secret." 

He then got up from his chair and walked over. I couldn't help but back away from him.

I then bumped into the two fighters that took out my men. I had no means of escape.

"Now, you may not answer to me but I know someone who you will answer to. But before that happens, I need to grab the who paid you. Also, I'm going to tell him that you're the one that spilled the beans about his identity."

I couldn't think of any way to get out of this situation. I knew that if I said anything, it would be pointless.

"Kenji, take this bandit and the others to the back. Yuno and I will go get the last rat." He told the two fighters.

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