Chapter 83: Late Night Thieves

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Kenji, Yuno, and I managed to get to the Temple. 

When we got there, I noticed a couple suspicious-looking people sneaking around the Temple. Looks like my hunch was right.

"Master, it appears that those men are trying to break in the Temple," Kenji informed me.

"You're right. Also, don't call me Master when we're in disguise. Right now, my name is Karma and yours and Yuno's names are Fatum and Sors." I told him.

Fatum and Sors are both Latin names for destiny and Fate. I chose those names because since I chose Karma, I thought it would be fitting to have two companions named Fatum and Sors considering how both of them relate to what Karma is.

"Understood, Karma." They both told me.

Once those two understood, I returned my attention back to thieves. There seems to be four of them trying to sneak inside the Temple. 

My only guess for why is possibly for the Holy Item but I can't be sure. Since I'm not completely convinced, I'll have to somehow get them to tell me.

"Alright, you two, let's move," I told Fatum and Sors.

"Right." They agreed. 

We then went inside the Temple and watched as the thieves did the same. We didn't make our move until these guys got what they wanted.

"Master, should we engage?" Fatum asked.

"No, we wait until they got what they came for," I told him

If I just go in and say "Sorry, but the Holy Item's not for sale" and they weren't even after it, I'll not only look like an idiot but I'll also have revealed valuable information that was supposed to be kept a secret. I'd rather not do anything stupid unless I absolutely have to.

It's been about three minutes and the thieves are still searching. What the hell are they looking for?

If they were after the Holy Item then the guardian would've been activated but I don't see anything happening yet. Maybe I should just interfere. 

Just when I decided to take out the thieves, it looks like they found what they were looking for. 

"Hey, Boss, I found it." one of the thieves informed.

The boss thief then went up to where the other thief called him to inspect his discovery. Whatever they found was inside the Oena Statue.

The boss went up to the statue and examined it for a few seconds. Then, he touched the trident and pressed a button.

I didn't know it had one.

Anyway, when the boss did this, the floor below them started to shake and open up. Then, some kind of pedestal revealed itself.

What was on the pedestal was a tiara. Was that the Holy Item?

Also, how come the guardian didn't show up? I thought that once the Holy Item was shown, some guardian would come out to protect it.

As if on cue, that statue of Oena soon started to rattle. 

"What's going on, boss?" 

"Stay calm and don't make any noise. Once the guardian appears, we only have a few seconds before the members of the church show up." 

Hmm, this boss seems to know quite a bit about this. Could he have gotten this information from someone in the church?

While I was thinking this, the Oena Statue started to move more and worked its way to face the thieves. That's weird, it's not attacking them.

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