Chapter 11: The Mithril Star

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Now that I have a shop, I'll need to find a way to bring in customers but before I do that, I'll need products to sell.

This was the major problem I was dealing with. I'm a shop that sells and buys mystical items for a fair price along with my own creations and some potions.

The potions are easy to come to make thanks to all the practicing that I did back at the house. I'll be making them as soon as I get other products to sell.

The other problem I'm dealing with is the name of my shop. I still haven't figured out what I should name it.

I asked the others but their ideas didn't have a ring to it. Maybe I'll consider the name while I make some potions.

Just when I was gonna go to my workshop, Kenji showed up. 

"Master, I chose a quest that might help you." 

Ever since I opened up shop and tried to find ways to make my business work, Kenji and Yuno became adventurers and went on quests that would benefit me. The quest they would take would be dungeon type quests.

The reason they go for dungeon guests is that sometimes there's treasure involved. Unfortunately, it's not mentioned in the quest so they have to get lucky at picking the right dungeon quest but they haven't so far.

But Kenji seems excited even though he acts on the silent type side so maybe I'll actually get lucky. I went over to him and checked out the quest sheet.

It was a quest on a dungeon north from here. It was in the Wicked Oak Cemetery inside a grave called The Phantom Tomb.

The information said that this dungeon was new because it just showed up out of the blue.

Some adventurers checked it out but were unable to clear it without dying in the process. The adventurers did say that there was treasure inside the tomb but before they could get to it, they were already injured to where they had to retreat.

This seems like a good quest for them. Not only do they get to clear the dungeon and get credit but there might also be treasures that I could sell.

I told Kenji that he could take the quest but he said that he wanted me to come with as well. Yuno and Iris were out shopping so I would be by myself if Kenji went alone.

I was hesitant at first but I've been stuck in this shop for too long and needed to get some fresh air.

I got my gear ready and Kenji and I soon headed to the dungeon.

. . .

It took us about two to three hours to get to the dungeon. 

We were at the entrance to the cemetery then proceeded through. As we walked through the graveyard, I felt as if someone was watching me.

I turned around but saw nothing. 

"Kenji, do you sense any hostiles in the area?" I asked him.

"None so far. Why, do you sense something?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm being watched." 

I started to get chills down my spine and I couldn't help but think that I should head back to the shop. I really wish I could use offensive magic right now.

We made it to the entrance to the dungeon door, which was a giant tombstone for a grave. The thing different about it was that there was no name of the person who died, just a tombstone with an angel and devil on top of it.

I could feel the menacing atmosphere coming from it. It went to the point where I was about to use [Gate] and come back to the shop but I held in my fear since Kenji was with me.

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