Chapter 12: Business Is Booming

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-Hazel's POV-

"It's good that you're here, Nami," I told the Shadow Stalker.

"It's a pleasure to be called on you." 

Nami the Shadow Stalker is a highly known assassin. She earned the name Shadow Stalker because of her ability to blend in with the shadows and use it to sneak up on her enemies.

Not even light can stop her because she can teleport to shadow to shadow if there's a light in the way. She one of the highly known and deadliest killers I've met.

Normally, I wouldn't call on someone like her if this wasn't a big issue but unfortunately, it is. Whoever is guarding Iris, I needed to be prepared for anything so calling in one of the top ten dangerous assassins meant that this was serious and I wanted the problem taken care of without any trouble to follow.

Nami is part of the cat-people race. It's one of the reasons why she's so good at sneaking around because it's in her blood.

Most of the cat-people are actually assassins that take jobs like heist, assassinations or anything that needs to be dealt with in secret. Most of the beast folk look like animals with the body humans but there were some that come out looking human with animal-like features, Nami was a perfect example of one.

She had light skin, wore black assassin attires, wore a mask that only revealed her eyes, gray cat ears, and a gray tail. She was in her early twenties, probably twenty-one if I'm not mistaken.

"So, what is it that you would require me?" She asked.

"I called you here because I need you to kill and capture someone." 

"This person must be important if you need my help." She noted.

"She is. Iris Kane, my step-daughter."

"I thought you hated her." 

Nami was confused onto why I wanted her to capture the one thing I hated in this world. 

"The reason I need her is that she's the final piece of my plan. Without her, my plan won't work." 

"Okay. So I'm assuming that the person I'm killing is the one that's protecting her?" She asked the right question.

"Correct. This boy's name is Shoda Yuuto." 

"Is he from Ogasawara?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure. I did look into his records to see if he was born there but nothing came up. In fact, this man showed up 2 months ago. It's like his entire existence before was never there or erased."

Ogasawara was the land where the Ogasas lived. Yuuto's features that were described were related to the Ogasas but since there were no records of his existence there, he might've not been born there. 

What makes things worse is that there were no records of him anywhere around the world. The only record of him that is known is the ones that were issued in Redfort Town.

Anything other than that is nonexistent. It's strange that this person pops out of nowhere and suddenly starts poking around my business.

His family name doesn't ring a bell either. There are no records of any Shoda members crossing me or any organization that was run by a Shoda member.

And if that's not the worst of it, he has two siblings that didn't exist until the same time Yuuto came along. Just who are these people and why are they suddenly getting in my way?

"I want you to kill anyone with him and bring my step-daughter to me. I'm sure you can handle it which is why I called you. In fact, I know you'll succeed because there has been no target that has escaped you."

The Magic Expert Except in Offensive Magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें