Chapter 48: Let There Be Light

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"So, why were you two following us?" I interrogated Yuno and Kenji.

"At first I wanted you to relax but after realizing that the people of this city know you so well, I was worried that someone would try and rob you," Kenji explained.

Well, he wasn't wrong about that but still. By the way, if these two are here then who's watching the shop . . .

"Okay, why did you two leave the shop without supervision?" 

"It's not unsupervised, Master. Nami is currently watching the shop." Yuno told me.

"In her cat form?" 

". . . Yes." 

Good grief. There's just no end to this nonsense, is there?

I don't have time for this.

"Look, I'll scold you later so for now, I'm going to punish you," I told them.

"What's the punishment?" Kenji asked.

Hmm, if I tell them to clean the shop, they could do it easily. I need to give them a punishment they'll hate.

Crap, I can't think of anything. Since their robots, they don't have to worry about hard work because they won't get tired.

"You are to guard Iris and her only. This means you are prohibited from guarding me." I told them.

"No way!" Yuno burst out.

"Master, please be reasonable." Kenji tried to persuade me.

"Nope. I made my decision. Now, once we get back to the shop, you are to keep an eye on Iris at all cost." 

"B-but . . ." 

"No buts, Yuno. That's an order." 

Kenji and Yuno both looked depressed. I didn't want to do this but they needed to be punished for tailing me.

I know it's their job to protect me but that didn't mean they could follow me without my permission. It's only for a little bit so they'll be fine.

Besides, I'll be cooped up in the lab probably the whole night because I'm going to build something for Theodore. 

After I punished Kenji and Yuno, we all returned to the shop. When I went to the door to head to the lab, I saw both of them trying to follow me and I instantly shot them a glare.

They both got the message and went back to guarding Iris while looking sad. 

I opened up the door and went inside. I was now back in the lab at the base.

Now then, what should I make? Since I want to help the city be a little safer at night, I should use something that requires light.

My first idea was making a light bulb but I wouldn't know the first thing to do with something like that. Maybe I should make something that resembles a light bulb.

Hmm, a light bulb is very complicated but since I'm in a world of magic, I think I can figure out something. With that in mind, I went over to a shelf that held magic crystals and took out a couple light crystals.

After that, I also got some glass, some metal, and a magic circuit board. I went over to my workbench and placed all the materials out.

Now then, if I'm going to make a light bulb, I need to know the parts of it. I know it has a tungsten filament. 

The reason for this is to allow the electric current to pass through the tungsten and produce heat which in turn creates light. There's also the part where the tungsten filament needs to be covered with the glass bulb to keep the gas inside and the tungsten from evaporating.

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