Chapter 98: Cracia Country

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"Kenji, we at Cracia yet?" I asked.

"Yes, Master. We just arrived," He told me.

Finally. It's been four days since we left Yona City. 

Now, we finally made it to our next destination, The Cracia Country. Since we're still up north, we're still in the white orders territory. 

Once we move east and passed a couple more countries, we'll be in the blue orders domain. That's when we head south and we'll end up in the in the black orders domain. I'm still iffy if I should even go to the south considering the situation it's currently in with slavery. 

Plus, I have no doubts that there's going to be corrupted people coming after me because I somehow caught their attention through some BS circumstances. I'll have to thoroughly think about it before I actually do anything.

As I thought this, we finally came across a village. Unfortunately, there was a slight problem with it.

"Master, the village ahead of us is currently on fire," Kenji informed me.

"Huh?!" I looked out the carriage and saw black smoke in the air. 

As we got closer, I could tell that the entire village was engulfed in the fiery flames. 

"What are your orders, Master?" Yuno asked. 

"Enter the burning village and rescue anyone who's still alive. Now!" 

As they confirmed their orders, Kenji and Yuno left the carriage and rushed into the village. As for the rest of us, we also entered the village and helped carry out any injured people. 

I looked around the village to find any more people still trapped but my [Search] or [Radar] didn't pick up anything. Since it appears that all the living villagers were safe now, I left the burning village and went over to the others who were guarding the villagers.

Some of the villagers were slightly burned but I cast heal on them so they were fine now. I also used [Cleanse] on them to clean them up from the ash and dirt.

"What happened here?" I asked whoever was in charge.

"S-she showed up . . . And burned everything." One of the villagers told me.

"Who did this?" I asked.

"S-Scarlett Ignis." He muttered.

Hmm, how come that name sounds familiar? 

"This ain't good," Billy muttered.

"No kidding." Nami agreed.

It seems that Billy and Nami know this person. 

"Who is she?" I asked.

Nami and Billy looked at me simultaneously and spoke at the same time too.

"Her name is Scarlett Ignis, also known as Scarlett The Pyro." 

Wait, isn't she a killer for hire?! Oh, man.

This isn't good. 

After we saved all the villagers, I asked the person who was in charge a few questions. 

My first question was where Scarlett was heading. From what I could gather, she was heading in the same direction we were, which was the city in this county. 

My second question was will we encounter more villages like. Unfortunately, the answer to that was yes.

So, we'll not only be encountering Scarlett in the city but we'll have to clean up her mess along the way. This is going to be troublesome. 

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