Chapter 17: Business Travel

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"Master, making that deal wasn't smart," Kenji told me.

"Really? I thought it was the best idea I came up with so far."

There were alot of reasons why I did this but I didn't mention this to Kenji and Yuno because I knew they wouldn't agree. Since Nami tried to kill, Kenji and Yuno are programmed to kill her because their job is to protect me.

This, however, was my plan all along. I knew that Nami or the other killers for hire would attack me so I just decided to use it to my advantage.

Now, the reason why I'm hiring Nami is because of Kenji and Yuno. The killers for hire are a very dangerous group of people that can take on armies and come out superior.

If word got out that my two bodyguards took them down with ease, there would be alot of people that would want know why. If people found out about their secret then who knows what's gonna happen.

Plus, I just figured out that there are robots in the world other than Yuno and Kenji. Then there's that book I got.

That thing showed me a how-to guide on building your own robot. It's a good thing I traded for it because that would've ended badly if in the wrong hands.

The problem now is that there are four more books like it. I want to go on a search for it but I'm afraid that people will catch on and hunt for it as well.

This book is extremely dangerous and can't fall into the wrong hands. While I was in my deep thoughts, I noticed Kenji and Yuno were giving me the serious face.

"Look, I know you're worried but hiring Nami is what's going to make my plan work," I told them.

"How? She tried to kill you and she'll likely do it again." Yuno reasoned with me.

"That's only because she was paid to do it. If money wasn't involved then I would've killed her but since money is the key factor in this, I can use that."

"So since the assassin was paid to kill you, you just had to pay her more to get her on your side?" Kenji tried to understand.

 "Yes. With Nami on our side, we'll be able to take some of the heat of you." 

"What does that mean? I thought we were programmed to protect you?" Yuno asked.

"That is your job but we can't allow people to know who you really are. If people found out that your robots than that will lead to them want to make their own."

"But none of them would be like us because Master was the one that made us," Kenji told me.

"That may be true but that won't stop them. They'll go through alot of trial and error until they get the type that's able to fight you and likely win. I can't afford that to happen and you know it" 

"Master, our job is to protect you but having that woman with us will put our job in jeopardy." Yuno pointed at Nami who was sitting down.

I thought for a minute and then realized what she meant.

"If you think that Nami will replace you guys then you're dead wrong. I'm only using her as a disguise to keep people from finding out about your identity." I assured them.

"Even so, what makes you think that she won't kill you? What if you're wrong about her and she's just acting?" Kenji asked.

I never thought they would ask this many questions but I'm actually glad. Since they act more human they start to question me more and show more concern.

"I'm not wrong because she does only do jobs for money. There was no loyalty in her, only the money. If this was about loyalty then things would be different."

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