Chapter 113: Dolls

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"Thank you and come again sir," I said to the customer that walked out of the store with some potions and scrolls.

The Mithril Star was finally back in business. I'm glad I was able to set up shop again.

I then noticed Iris was staring at me with a smile on her face.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Yuuto's smiling and enjoying his job. It's been a while since I've seen you like this." She told me.

Well, being a merchant is an easy going job. I knew that this was the job for me in this other world. 

I remember Nami asking me why a man of my skills would be a merchant of all things instead of something more recognizable. Sure, I could pick something that could make me famous but that would lead to unwanted attention, so no thank you.

With the skills I have, there's alot of people that would take advantage of me. I don't plan on being anyone's slave. 

[Yuuto, I need you over here.] Leontine called me.

[I'll be right over there.] I told her.

"Iris, I need to head over to the base. I'll also be taking Kenji and Yuno, so I'm leaving Nami in charge." 

Suddenly, Nami popped out of nowhere in her cat form.

"Why do I have to run the shop?" She asked.

"Because I need Kenji and Yuno at the base for something and I don't trust Billy watch over my shop. I'm afraid that Billy might steal something and I know that you'll stop him."

Nami stared at me as if she was checking to see if I was lying. She then turned away while making a "Hmph" sound.

"Alright, I leave the shop in your hands. Please don't do anything to cause trouble." 

After saying that, I opened up a portal and called Kenji and Yuno to come with me. Once we were at the base, we were greeted by Rose.

"Hello, Master and Elder Brother and Sister." 

"Hey, Rose. I heard Leontine called me so what's up?" I asked.

"Yes. Mother wishes for your assistance on making her [Dolls]." Rose explained.

"I see. Alright then, lead the way." I told her. 

Rose then led us to where Leontine was. She was currently in the lab working on her first [Doll]. 

She seemed to be pretty into it because she looks really zoned in.

"So, I see that you [Doll] is slowly progressing," I called her.

Leontine stopped working and saw me.

"Aw, good, you're here. I need you to do something for me," She told me.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

Leontine took out her [Doll] blueprints and gave them to me.

"I need you to build your own [Doll] the way you would make it." She explained.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I want to see what you would do if you actually made one yourself. Since your from another world, you might view my [Dolls] in a different way." 

Oh, I see. She wants me to use my old world's knowledge as a reference. Wait, couldn't she have done that herself?

When I asked her this, this was her response.

"Just because I have your memories, doesn't mean I'll understand half of what you know." 

 . . . That still doesn't answer my question but I'm just going to build a bot anyways just to get it over with. 

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