Chapter 96: Departing Once Again

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"Hmm, I think I see the problem," I muttered.

I was taking a look at my rocket launcher because, for some reason, it stopped working. As I examined it, I finally found the problem.

"It seems that the magic motherboard overheated. It probably did that because of last night." 

"Are you sure? I'm positive that I made sure the motherboard could handle the power of the launcher on a continuous rate." Leontine told me.

"Did you add Ice Magic Crystals?" I asked.

"No, because all I did was use a higher quality motherboard." 

"Hmm, I didn't know there was such a thing." 

"Well, I invented it and kept it away from the public so it's no wonder you haven't heard of it." 

"But I have your memories so how come I don't know it?" I asked while confused.

Leontine thought for a moment then figured out what was up.

"It might be because I blocked my memories from you. Ever since you entered my memories of when I was held captive by Edgar, I had to seal up my memories so you couldn't poke around anymore." 

"Oh yeah. You said that if I did that too much, I start to turn into you, right?" I asked to clarify.

"That's correct. Hmm, since you can't access my memories, it's going to be hard for you to do anything from now on, huh. My knowledge is through my memories and if you use the knowledge, you'll learn from the memories and some of my knowledge is from . . . Personal experience." Leontine explained.

"Is there a way you could block the memories while also passing me the knowledge?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's not that easy. Plus, we would have to go inside your mind to make some kind of fault to transfer information without allowing the memories to pass by as well." 

"Hmm, then we'll save that for a later date."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Besides, don't you have to say goodbye to that Oracle girl? I bet she'll be awfully lo-" 

Before Leontine could finish her sentence, I grabbed a wrench nearby and wracked her robotic skull. Even though she couldn't feel pain, she played the part.

"Ow~You don't have to be mean about it!" 

She may look hurt but she's just doing that to get on my nerves. If she keeps this up, I'll have her on cleaning duty.

Besides, there's nothing between me and Fate so it's pointless of her teasing me all the time. Sure, Fate's nice and all but there's alot of problems if we actually did date each other.

For one, I'm a Chapinin and she's the Oracle that worships Oena. Oena already hates me as it is so if she finds out that I'm dating or even making love with her Oracle, it's safe to say that she'll drown this entire city without a second thought. 

The second reason is my life is already troublesome as it is and I don't want to drag her into it as much as she already is. That's one of the reasons why we're leaving Yona City.

My other reason for leaving is that I'm not allowed to open up my shop. Oena said it was prohibited for me to sell my products in her city. 

So, I really don't have any business here since I can't even run my shop. Since I have no reason to be here, I'm just going to leave. 

Hopefully, it won't end up like back in Trinty City where I had to get Whitney to safety. Well, since she's a member of the church, I'm sure she'll be fine. 

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