Chapter 105: Instant Regrets

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I can't believe that I didn't think this through . . . What the hell was I think?

I should've considered the possibility of more spirits. It was obvious considering what Infernus was but I overlooked it because Infernus possessing an innocent woman.

Hang on . . . Since there are other spirits like Infernus, doesn't that mean there are more people being possessed by them?

Crap, that thought slipped my mind too! I can't believe that I didn't think of that!

What's gotten into me? The same thing happened to me when I took down Hazel. 

The thought of other crimelords coming after me because of that totally slipped my mind. Looks like Iris and the others were right.

I went into this situation way too quick for me to consider all the main problems. Thanks to that, I might have to deal with more spirits like Infernus. 

Damn, this is getting more and more problematic. If I don't do anything right now, I'll be overwhelmed with the number of problems drastically stacking up.

Okay, first things first, with more spirits possibly on the way, I need to know who they are and what they can do. 

"Scarlett, can you describe these three women that confronted you?" I asked.

Scarlett took a minute to remember. After a couple seconds, she spoke.

"Hmm, I remember a young girl about that silver girl's age. She also had green hair." 

Okay, a teenage green-haired spirit. From what I can tell, she's likely an air spirit.

"I also saw a blue-haired woman in her twenties. I believe she was the one talking to me."

Hmm, so she must be a water spirit. I'm guessing the last one is an earth spirit. 

"The last one I saw was a woman with brown hair. She looked to be in her twenties as well." 

I was right. The last one was an earth spirit. I may be identifying them by their hair color but I get the feeling that I'm right.

Still, I can't go on that basis alone. I need more information but for now, I'll stick with what I have and obtain more on the way. 

I thanked Scarlett for the information and I then opened up a portal and went through it. Before I left, I told Kenji and Yuno to keep an eye on Scarlett and Iris while I was gone. 

I also told them that when Billy and Nami return, they tell them where I am. After that, I went through the portal and was back at the base. 

When I got there, Elizabeth was there to greet me.

"Good afternoon, Master." 

"Hey, Elizabeth. I need to speak with Leontine." I told her.

"Of course. Mother had a feeling that you would come by soon." 

Hmm, so she was expecting me, huh. It's likely that she knows what I'm going to talk to her about.

Elizabeth then guided me over to the lab. Once I arrived, I saw Leontine at her desk and was focused on something.

When I got closer, I realized that she was drawing blueprints for future projects. I got a glimpse of one of them being  . . . A giant robot?

Before I could get a better look, Leontine noticed me and stored all the blueprints in a drawer in the desk.  

"Hey, Yuuto! I've been expecting you!" 

Leontine got up from her desk and pulled me away. I'm guessing she didn't want me to see her projects.

Anyway, after we were away from her desk, I explained to her my situation.

"I see. There are three more spirits that we might have to deal with."

"Yeah, and if they're as strong as Infernus or stronger, we're at a big disadvantage."

"You're not wrong there. What should we do first?" Leontine asked.

"I'm not sure. If the spirits do come after us, we need to think about collateral damage." 

If the spirits do come for us, I need to know about the type of damage they'll cause. 

Considering that Infernus was able to burn villages and even suck the air out of our surroundings, it's obvious that they'll be just as powerful or worse. Also, with all three of them working together, it's possible that a city wouldn't last long against them.

I may be immortal but I can't use any type of offensive magic so fighting them directly won't work. Not only that but Kenji, Yuno, and the other automatons won't last long in their current states. 

They barely made it out of the demon fight. They were all damaged, especially Elizabeth.

If they went up against those spirits, they wouldn't last a minute. Even if all of them were against three of them, it's still a fifty-fifty chance of success. 

I don't want to risk them when I know they won't be able to survive. Alright, it looks like I know what to do first. 

"Leontine, I want you to get all the maids while I get Kenji and Yuno," I told her.

"What are you planning?" Leontine asked.

"If the spirits are going to come after us, I want to be prepared as much as possible. Upgrading our automatons is our first step to preparing ourselves." 

Leontine smiled when I said this.

"Alright, I'll go get my girls while you get your siblings."

Leontine then walked off to get her maids. As for me, I opened up a portal and went back to the Inn. 

-Aquanis's POV-

"I'm guessing this is the place?" Basalt asked.

"Yeah, this is definitely the place," I confirmed. 

"Honestly, Infernus needs to fix that obsession with burning things. I mean, really!"

Our current location was one of Infernus's latest attacks. Infernus has a habit of burning things due to her pyromaniac behavior. 

Even after turning into a spirit, she's still the same old pyro psychopath. Her lust for burning things was horrible when she wasn't a spirit but after becoming one just made things worse. 

"I'm starting to think that she's not worth looking for." Basalt commented.

"Despite her reckless and pyromaniac behavior, she's still our sister. We made a promise that whatever happens, we will always help one another. Our sister is in danger so it's our job to save her." I told them.

They both nodded confirming the promise we made. 

After we became spirits, we made a promise to each other that we will help one another when the time comes. Infernus may be a pain to deal with but all of us are family and we will always help one another.

I don't know what happened to Infernus but if anyone harmed her, they won't get any mercy from me. I'll make whoever hurt my sisters pay with their life!

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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