Chapter 57: Yona City

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Well, we were able to find an Inn to stay at so that's good. 

The problem with that is that it's full of drunk sailors. Everywhere I turn, I see one drunk sailor after the other.

"Heh! That shark didn't know what hit him!" 

"You should've seen that whales face when we got him!" 

"Damn, those pirates were tough! I didn't think we would get out of there. Thank Oena for our safe trip home."

 They were all talking about their adventure while sailing along the sea. They sounded like interesting stories but I didn't really have the time for that.

Once I booked us a room, I told Kenji and Yuno to take our things and get them to our rooms while Nami, Iris, and I went out to look for a place for The Mithril Shop. I'm still iffy on setting up shop here because Oena might catch on and try something to get me out of the town.

Hopefully, Oena won't notice me and I'll be able to stay here for a little while. I was planning to ambush David in this city like I did with Nami and Billy but with Oena as an obstacle, it might be a little difficult to handle.

That memory is still on my mind too. How was Leontine able to drag me out of her memory?

Did she make some kind of failsafe in case I go too deep in her memories? I don't see why since she's dead so it really doesn't matter whether I have a sneak peek or not.

I want to try and go back to the memory but I'm afraid that I'll just get dragged out again. Man, this is getting too difficult to deal with.

As the others and I explore the city, I get a better look at the decorations that were hanging on the buildings. The color scheme was green and ocean blue. 

Wow, they take this festival pretty seriously, huh. Considering that it's in the honor of the goddess of the sea, I can see why.

I bet they do everything in their power to make sure Oena is satisfied unless they want some tsunami raging towards them. That's a scary thought.

"Hey, Nami. What else do you know about this place?" I asked Nami, who was in her cat form.

"Well, the city is dedicated to Oena because she provides the city with food and keeps the ships from getting tipped over." 

Hearing about ships getting tipped over made me remember Leontine's memories. Hearing Oena's voice is still giving me chills.

"So, does Oena make appearances often?" I asked.

"Well, she does during the Oena Festival but other than that, no. She mostly talks to her Oracle or The Priest that runs the church." 


I didn't know that there were fortune tellers.

"Oh, Oracle's are priest or priestesses with divination powers. Basically, they can see the future." 

So they are like the Oracle in my old world. That's good to know.

"Do the Oracle's warn the people about upcoming intruders or something?" I asked.

I wanted to know because I was worried that the Oracle was going to come for me.

"No, they usually foretell upcoming disasters that will happen and try to prevent it." 

Ok, that's good. So, as long as I stay hidden or don't cause any trouble, I should be fine. 

We then passed by a group of kids. Due to past experience, I checked my pockets to make sure they didn't steal my belongings.

Luckily, all my things were still in my possession so I didn't have to go through another chase with juvenile kids. I'm still pissed that they called me old.

I'm only twenty-five. Better yet, I'm in my late teens body so I'm younger!

Hah, I really hope nothing happens while I'm in Yona City. The last thing I want is either Oena trying to kill me or David arriving at the city and hunting me down.

-Fate's POV-

"You mean they're already here?!" I yelped.

"Yes, Oracle. Four people came to the city around two hours ago. They had their identification papers so there was nothing wrong." The guard told me.

Damn it! I was too late.

I thought I could catch them when they get to the entrance but I wasn't fast enough. The guard said they arrived two hours ago so that means they could be anywhere in the city.

I wanted to put the city on high alert for them but since it's the Oena Festival, I didn't want everything to get put on hold. I also don't want Oena getting upset because of The Chapinin showing up in her territory. 

Great, now what do I do?

"Oracle! We have a situation!" One of the priests called me.

Now what?! 

I went over to the priest to see what was going on. 

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"We found a body at the beach close by."

"What?! Is there a big crowd surrounding it?" 

"No, we managed to get the body away from the public without raising suspicions but you need to see for yourself. I've never seen anything like this before." 

He looked pale from what I could tell. The body must be ghastly.

I followed the priest and he guided me to the hospital close by. I walked by a few injured and sick people but pressed on.

He then went into an empty room with another priest and a doctor. Standing before them was the dead body on an inspection table.

The dead body was a female in her late twenties, blond hair, and was paler than a ghost. Something was off about her though.

"H-how did she die?" I asked the doctor.

"My first guess was drowning since I didn't find any other injuries but when I checked her insides, there didn't appear to be water in her lungs or the like. To top it all off, she looks far more dead than most, I mean really dead." 

I could agree on that. The dead bodies I see are somewhat pale but this one looks ghastly pale. 

I almost thought it was a ghost at first. What happened to this girl?

"So, we have no clue how she ended up this way or how she died?" 

"No. There doesn't seem to be any injuries or anything in her system. I also used [Diagnosis] to see if she had any diseases or illness that could have killed her but she turned out healthy." 

You gotta be kidding me. First, I have a Chapinin running our Oena's city and now this?

The bigger issue is that I've never seen something like this before. I've been alive for almost two hundred years yet I've never witnessed anything this . . . Weird.

What the hell is going on here?

"Alright, I want to make sure the public doesn't see this and make sure that if this happens again, you either stop it or get the body out of there so it doesn't cause a disturbance," I told the priests.

"Yes, Oracle." They both said. 

After that, I left the empty room and went back outside to go find Shoda Yuuto. My main priority is finding that man before Oena finds him first. 

I need to make sure that Shoda Yuuto doesn't cause any trouble on Oena's big month. If that were to happen then we're all dead.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll read more of them. Please comment on the chapter to tell me what you think and vote on it if you think it deserves it.

Also, share this book with your friends to spread the word about it and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

See Ya!

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