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6 months later

"Milo!" I heard, opening the door to see Ava running towards it. Milo jumped up at my leg, panting, and looking up with his innocent little eyes.

"Sit," I said, "good boy,"

"Is now a bad time to bring Montana in?" Viola chuckled, chucking her bag through the door.

She was officially moving in. At first, she changed her mind and declined the offer. Our relationship was only just blooming, and she said she wasn't comfortable. I was completely okay with it.

Although she had search for places, none were practical, and as our relationship progressed the idea resurfaced. Finally, she was moving in.

Officially, she was my girlfriend, although labels hadn't changed anything. Ava was just as happy, even if she was slightly unsure about having one more person here.

In fact, I wasn't the only one with a girlfriend. Ava had plucked up the courage and talked to Julie, and she was such an amazing girl. Whenever he came round, Ava was always laughing and smiling, and was open with me.

I never forced her to talk, but she told me and asked me things. It had put a lot of pressure on her, and she had felt insecure, but that had broken after the first kiss. That day, she was so excited, but scared that I would be mad with her. She ended up in tears and hiding in Viola's side, just in case.

We still had our moments.

"You're taking so long," she groaned, looking at the boxes stacked up. We had sold a lot of furniture, but it turned out Viola had a lot of childhood memories stored.

"If you helped us, we'd be quicker,"

"I'm playing with Milo," she pouted, "and waiting for you to come back and help me finish my English work,"

"Get it out, we are on the last boxes,"

She picked Milo up and hugged him, going into her room.

For about a month, she'd been going into English and Maths classes. In maths, she was in the bottom, but English had put her in middle. It was a bigger class, and she worked slower in agreement that instead of homework, she finished the work.

Her teachers were very understanding, and I was so grateful. Science was taking some warming up to, not quite there yet, but I was proud of her.

"Is she okay with me staying?" Viola asked, taking my hand as we went back down the stairs.

"Of course, it's just unusual for her,"

"I can afford to help the rent, I worked it out,"

"Thankyou," I smiled, "more money for nice dates, and driving lessons,"

I'd convinced her to let me pay for driving lessons, because she could get around how she wanted. I got more emergency appointments than her, which meant she had to wait for me.

"I need to sort through that stuff again, but maybe another day,"

"Well we have the weekend, and I think you need a relaxing bath,"

"I think so too, my back is killing me,"

"That sucks," I frowned, taking the last box. We locked the car and took the lift up, entering a now quiet flat.

"Go and run a bath, I need to help Ava,"

She kissed my cheek and went to the bathroom, leaving me to go to the kitchen table. Ava sat there, Montana on the sofa and Milo on her lap.

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