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"Good morning, the last one for a while," Mr Carter smiled, rolling his chair over to Charlie and I, "How are we feeling?"


"Good? That's a step up from usual,"

"I'm just really thankful for dad, and everything, and excited for the holidays,"

"Did you talk last night?"

"Yeah, and I bought snacks for my sleepover. Dad put me in charge of Christmas snacks too,"

"That's a lot of responsibility," Charlie grinned, "I'm seeing you in the holiday, right?"

"Maybe, Harry invited me but I don't know yet,"

"Is Ashton off?"

"He's off for four days at Christmas, and two weeks for our holiday,"

"Someone has to work ay?"

"I wish he didn't, because I feel like I don't see him much,"

"That's why, when he offers to do something, I think you should say yes. Even if you're feeling a bit pants," sir said.

"I try a lot,"

"I know," he smiled, "What are we doing today then?"

"I don't really want to go to English. They're doing a quiz in teams so I don't want to stop Sam going with his friends, and I wouldn't be very good,"

"I think they could use your brains,"


"Come on," Charlie encouraged, "they're fun,"

"I'll walk you down," sir said, "are you going home before the meeting?"

"Yeah, Harry and I are having biscuits and a nap,"

He smiled- he was always smiling- and rolled the char back to his desk. His positivity and my negativity always clashed, but them Charlie evened it out. I thought we were a great team, and it made school bearable.

Perhaps I would miss it over summer- only a little though.

"Sounds like a fun day,"

I went to maths, where we finished the film and then talked with ourselves. Owen seemed a little quiet, but excited too.

"I've bought all the snacks for Saturday,"

"I'm really scared, because my parents don't know what I am doing,"

"Dad said he'd tell them we were shopping or something,"

"Okay, thankyou. Is it just him?"

"And Viola. Calum might come over, but he isn't coming with us, Julie is meeting us there"

"Okay, okay... yeah,"

He sounded like he was preparing himself for this, and it upset me.

"It's gonna be fun, I'm a bit nervous too,"

"I know, I am excited, just nervous too I guess,"

We got dismissed and I followed Owen, wanting to see Amber and Sapphire. They smiled as we came over, moving their bags.

"Are you excited for summer?"

"Yeah," Amber said, "we need to figure out when everyone is free,"

"I'm free all summer," Owen laughed, "apart from Christmas of course,"

"We need to exchange gifts!" Sapphire said.

"Gifts?" I said quietly, "I don't have any money, and I don't know what you want, what do you want?"

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