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"Ava," I called out, opening her bedroom door to find it empty. I sighed, knowing she would be in the attic, and slowly made my way up.

Sure enough, she was bundled in the covers on a beanbag, clutching her teddy.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's okay," I assured, leaning on another beanbag, "it's a lot to take in,"

"I want to talk maturely,"

"I think that would be good, yeah?"

"It is hard for me to see Marcus so happy over another sibling, and it is hard for me to understand why he can see it happily, and why I see it as a threat,"

"Marcus loves you just as much as he loves the new baby,"


"And I see why that is confusing. Come and give me a cuddle,"

She came across to me and hugged me, resting on my chest.

"Why do you think you are upset?"

"I don't know, I just am, and I know I shouldn't be,"

"Could it perhaps be that this baby came from me and mum, and you were adopted?"

"I think so,"

"Well you don't need to worry about that. In my eyes, and in mum's eyes, you are our daughter, okay?"

"Also that Viola and the baby need more attention, but I need your support a lot,"

"They do, yes, but at least once a week I will make extra time for us to do something fun,"

"What if the baby hates me?"

"They will adore you poppet, you're their big sister!"

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

"It's too early to know,"

"Will mum have to be in hospital a lot?"

"She will have lots of appointments, but you will stay with someone,"


"If you have any questions, you can ask me. It's perhaps a bit early to tell you, but mum is having some symptoms that aren't very nice, so we wanted to let you both know the cause okay?"

"Can I stay up here for a bit?"

"Tea is ready,"

Her shoulders dropped and she followed me downstairs, sitting at the table with Viola. I brought everyone their plates then sat next to Marcus, rubbing his back.

"You good?"

"Yeah. Just- we didn't go shopping,"

"Tomorrow. I promise, I mean, you can see why we didn't,"

"Yeah, it's okay,"

"When do I take my antibiotics?" Ava asked.


"Oh, okay,"

"Ash, I know I do this everyday, but I'm going to have a bath after tea,"

"That's absolutely fine. I think we all need an early night,"

"Early nights are for school," Ava whined, hitting her head on the table.

"Hey, you've had a tough day too poppet, I want you to be full of energy tomorrow because you see Lucy again,"

"Can I tell her that Viola is pregnant?"

"You can, because everything is confidential, but I don't want you to tell school friends for a bit,"

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