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"Lauren," I smiled, pulling her into a hug as she walked into the room. A well needed one too.


"It's okay. We will go home after this. I invited Ava to a film, because Marcus hasn't really spoken to her, but she can leave us alone too,"

"It's okay,"

"So you cracked a tooth?"


"Alright, sit down. What did you do that on?"

"You won't believe me,"

"Hit me," I said, smiling as she sat down, Cal putting a bib on her and kindly taking her hands.


"Well, that is a new one, but I'll take a look. The chair is going down,"

I got new tools out and switched the light on, putting on my mask and gloves.

"Just keep holding Calum's hand, you'll be okay,"

"It'll be nothing we can't fix,"

It wasn't hard to miss, because the nerve was almost exposed, and it was irritated.

"That was one crunchy salad Loz. I'm gonna put some numbing gel on for you and clean it before building it back up,"

Her eyes started welling up and I pulled my mask down, brushing my thumb against her cheek.

"You don't need to cry. It won't hurt, and it wasn't your fault. Calum can hold your hand almost the entire time,"

"Will you use the drill?"

"Once I've build it up I might use the drill to shape it, but not on your actual tooth,"

"Okay," she breathed out, "can I have a mouthprop?

I nodded and grabbed her one, applying the numbing gel and waited for that to work before putting it in.

"Can I start?"



Tenderly, I cleaned the area to make sure there was no food or anything left in it, the water and air making her flinch. I added more numbing gel and grabbed composite, starting to build the tooth up to the original shape.

"You're doing so well,"

"Are you going to Ash's after this?"

"She is. We are having a relax before uni ay? I could use the company too,"

"It's that bad?"

"I am bringing it up. Ava is off to Michael's tomorrow night so it has to be tonight really,"

I set the tooth and pieced the drill together, letting her have a breather.

"When am I going home tomorrow?"

"I was thinking I could drop you off on the way to the hospital. You could walk Milo tonight, just while we talk,"


"I am going to use the drill now, but you will be absolutely fine,"

When I saw how tightly she was holding Cal'd hands, I rested the suction over her lip so I could do it myself. As soon as I was using the drill, her cheeks flushed red.

"Deep breaths,"

"It sounds worse than it is. It rings in our heads," Calum soothed, "now it's all over,"

breathe// 5SOS Where stories live. Discover now