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"Michael said you need to rest," I said, Ava wanting to walk Milo, "and you're not going on your own,"

She picked him up and turned on her heels, marching out of my room and through to her room. We'd eaten tea, and it was getting late, so she knew I would say no.

Plus, she couldn't hide the wobble in her steps.

Viola was curling my hair round her fingers, while I traced patterns on her stomach. Every so often, I kissed her cheek, and she cuddled into me even more.

"I feel so bad for her,"

"I know, I never thought heat would be a problem,"

"Well it's not your fault, and we are doing our best,"

For a while, we watched the tv in peace. I assumed Ava had picked up a book, and that was why it was quiet.

I'd learnt to let her do her own thing, because at the end of the day, she had to make her own choices. I could guide her the right way, but she chose.

Of course they weren't big, but for her to be able to pick up a book or do some drawing in peace gave her independence and freedom- something she never got.

She often showed me neatly coloured drawings, and they were stuck on her wall and on the fridge... and on my mum's fridge, and Calum's fridge.

However, when Milo ran through, barking like a maniac, I went through to her room and found her curled up in a ball.

I kicked myself for not double checking, especially after today.

"Oh poppet, what's up?"

"It's so hot and I feel so confused,"

Miloaz had jumped onto the bed and wriggled his way to her chest, making her uncurl.

"What's confusing you?"

"Everything, I feel so frustrated," she cried, taking staggered breaths. I laid her down flat, gently running my hand through her hair.

"You've gotta breathe Ava, it's okay, we'll be okay,"

"I feel stupid," she cried.

"Don't feel stupid for crying, I'll always wipe your tears ay?"

She pushed my hand away and turned on her side, wiping away her last tears. Gently, I rubbed her shoulders, placing a kiss on her head.

"Do you know what I was told once?"


"The most beautiful souls are the broken souls, and the most extraordinary minds are the emotional ones,"

"That's really smart,"

"It is, isn't it," I chuckled, kissing her cheek as she sat up, "it is,"

"My joints hurt," she sniffed, rolling onto her back, "everywhere. My head hurts. I feel sick,"

"I will bring you the fan. Can you change into loose clothing please?"


"You're going to overheat even more in that poppet,"

"I'm too achy,"

"Has the joint medicine been working?"

"Yeah, usually it does,"

"Why don't we put the cream on?"

"And you massage it,"

"Wouldn't you feel mor comfortable if you put it on yourself,"

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