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"Good afternoon," I smiled, "oh my gosh you have a baby,"

A mum had come with a little boy and a baby, who was adorable.

"Ashton!" Layton squealed, jumping at my feet.

"Hey bud," I chuckled, "Cal is going to get you sorted with a film,"

It was definitely a winner, having tvs, because there was a huge distraction we had struggled to make.

"Hello," I said softly, letting the baby take my finger, "aren't you pretty? How old are they?"

"Three months old,"

"They're so cute,"

"Do you have kids?"

"Adopted, hopefully blood related someday too. It doesn't bother me though, because they're still family,"

"I want to adopt too," she smiled.

"I am watching Nemo!" Layton announced.

"Oh wow, and have you made your teeth shiny for me to look at?"

"I ate a chocolate biscuit,"

"Oh right," I chuckled.

"I brushed them," his mum said, rolling her eyes, "I do them the best I can,"

"Good. Do you have any teeth that hurt you bud?"

"Nope!" he said, sitting up as the chair went down.

"Lay down for me,"

"Look, Nemo is on," Calum encouraged, his focus taken away from the painting on out wall.

"Can I have some gloves?"

"Will you lay still if I give you some?"

He nodded and I gave him a pair of gloves, praising him when he laid back down. I put his bib on and grabbed my tools, shining the light over his mouth.

"Alright, open up,"

He did so, putting the gloves on as I checked his teeth.

"You have very shiny teeth, say well done to mummy,"

"Well done mummy,"

"And do you like bubblegum? I have fluoride for your teeth,"

"I do," he said, rolling to his side to look at Cal, "look at my gloves,"

"Look at your film," I teased, poking his cheeks. I put the fluoride on and let him off the chair, having another look at the baby.

"Sorry, they're so cute," I cooed, "hello,"

They smiled the phone rang, Calum answering. Then gave Layton a sticker, and opened the door for them.

"Thankyou," Calum smiled, seeming in a rush to let them out; I ruffled Layton's hair and they left.

"We are going to see Viola. The cleaners will sort out our room,"

"Why? Is she sick?"

"No, but she has things to explain,"

"You're scaring me,"

He said nothing.

He took me to Luke's office, where Marcus and Ava sat on one side of the room, Ava and Luke on the other.

"Dad," she sobbed, sprinting towards me, "dad, I am not pretty anymore, dad, dad,"

"Woah, woah, woah beautiful, slow down,"

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