1 (Colby's POV)

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I saw Chloe grab her head just as she saw Katrina. I watched her knees buckle and I darted to her, grabbing her before she could hit the floor.

"Chloe?! Chloe?!" My voice was frantic, I could hear it.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow.

"Sam!" I cried.

He was by my side in a second.

"What do I do?" I begged him to tell me something...but he didn't.

He just stood there, his mouth slightly open, while Katrina started screaming Chloe's name, and fell to her knees beside her.

"What happened to her? She's not breathing!"

I was on my knees beside her too, and pushed her hair back from her face. "Yes, she is. I'm just not sure for how long." I replied, my heart dropping.

This couldn't be happening. I was just beginning to get her back. Now, she's half dead lying on the floor.

Her face was pale, more pale than I had ever seen it. Her chest was barely moving with her labored breathing, and I could hear her sluggish heart trying to pump her blood. My blood!

Maybe my blood would work. I bit into my wrist, and started to push the bleeding wound into her mouth when Sam grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed. "She's dying!"

"But Colby, what if," he bit his lip, looking at me apprehensively. "What if it doesn't work? What if it messes her head up more, or what if she dies with your blood in her system? Is that something that she wants? To be one of us?"

I hesitated because I didn't know. Chloe and I hadn't really discussed that before she lost her memory.

If she became a vampire, would she remember what had happened?

Would she be grateful that I had saved her or hate me forever for turning her into a blood sucking demon? I shook my head at him.

"I don't care! I don't care if she hates me, or if she doesn't want it! I only care that she is still alive in some form. This world isn't worth being in, if she isn't in it too. Let me go Sam." I demanded in a distressed tone.

He stared at me for a second before releasing my arm. I didn't waste any time, noticing that her breathing had slowed even more, as I shoved my wrist to her lips, pushing them open.

"Come on baby girl, don't you give up on me. I need you here. You know that. Even if you don't remember it, you know that. I know you do. Drink baby, please." I begged her.

She didn't move and I didn't feel any suction coming from her lips. She wasn't responding at all. I pushed the skin down on my arm, making the blood pool into her open mouth, hoping that most of it would trickle down her throat.

My eyes felt weird, like something was in them, but it only worsened when I rubbed them. I realized that I wanted to cry, only my treacherous body wouldn't let me release the emotions...because I was dead. I gathered her up in my arms without a word to anyone and carried her up the stairs to my room.

I laid her on the bed gently, then pulled out my phone.

I dialed Aza, and waited for him to answer.

"Colby, old friend! How does everything? Any luck? Are you ready for Millie?"

"Fuck Millie." I snarled into the phone. "I need your help now Aza! Please! Chloe had a memory flash or something again, and passed out. Only she didn't just faint. She's dying." My voice choked up and I had to take a couple of seconds before I continued, giving him the opportunity to speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Can you not heal her? Or is she too far gone and needs to be changed?"

"I don't know!" I roared into the phone, feeling the walls shake around me.

"Calm down Colby." He replied, his voice sharp now. "Either way, she'll be okay, correct?"

I took a deep breath in through my mouth. "I don't know Aza, that's why I'm calling you. Is this going to affect her brain, her memories? Will she even know who she is? I don't have a clue about any of this and I don't know what to do."

He chuckled a little, which had me pulling my hair in frustration. "Wait. That's all you do. Wait for her to wake up. If she doesn't wake up...well, I guess maybe we can try that ritual."

"But she didn't agree to do it. That's one of the rules right? She has to be willing."

I sat down on the foot of the bed, placing my hand on her leg. I just wanted to be near her, to feel her. This couldn't be happening.

"Yes, that is one of the rules. However, this situation has caused that rule to be irrelevant. There is a greater chance of you getting stuck in your own head, since you will have to work harder at getting through to hers, with her being...unconscious, I suppose." His tone of voice was really pissing me off.

He was so nonchalant, and uncaring. I gripped the phone tighter in my hand, trying to hold my tongue.

"I don't care about that." I replied. "Is there a chance that she won't wake up?"

He laughed again, and I wanted to punch him in the face...or drive a stake through his heart. "Yes, dear friend, a great chance. Her mind has gone through too much and has collapsed in on itself, from the sound of it. If she hasn't died or woken up within the next couple of days...well, I don't think that she will. Of course, that's only my opinion."

"Aza, do you think the Council would know anything else about this? I know that you used to be...part of them. I need you to tell me."

I didn't like to bring that up. Aza hated the Council with everything in him, and hated to be reminded of being involved with them, usually killing anyone who did.

I heard silence on the other end at first and I was beginning to think that he hung up.

"No, I don't believe that they personally know anything about this situation."

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