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His eyes flicked up and down my body, making me feel like I was naked, instead of dressed in the most expensive thing that I had ever worn. Then he closed the distance between us in two large steps, grabbing my waist with one arm, yanking me against him, as his lips crashed into mine. The kiss overtook me.

I felt myself drowning in him, and I didn't want to be saved. When he finally pulled back, I had to catch my breath.

"You look more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. The moon would hide in embarrassment, should she stand next to you." He replied, his voice hoarse.

Where the fuck did that come from? I flushed, my face burning, but I didn't know how to reply so I stayed quiet. He had never said anything like that to me before.

I didn't know that he had that poetry side to him. Someone cleared their throat, and I glanced over meeting Devyn's eyes. Oh Christ, I forgot she was still in here.

She had a giant smirk on her face as she winked at me.

I knew my face was still blood red.

"Should I leave, or??"

Colby was still staring at my face intensely, but turned then to look at her. "I'd usually say yes, but in this situation, we can't be late."

He turned back to me, and kissed me hard, his fingers grasping the material of the dress at the small of my back. When he broke free, his lips hovered close to my ear.

"Later." He breathed out, his breath causing goosebumps to pop out over my neck.

I swallowed harshly. His words sounded like a threat and a promise. I didn't care right now which one it was.

His hand trailed around to my hip, before dropping off of me to catch my hand in his.

"Time to go." He sighed.

I furrowed my brow, looking at him.

"You're not excited?" I asked. "You're about to be promoted, not just the leader of this clan, but the leader of all of them. How is that not a good thing?"

He licked his bottom lip, before biting down on it for a second. I couldn't concentrate.

Damn him.

"Yeah, I'm excited. Just a little...apprehensive I guess. I know that the Council was corrupt. They lost all of their members and are choosing more. I'm not sure who else they have chosen, or if they can be trusted. You know how I am about trusting someone and now I'm just expected to trust these people with any important information that might arise. Like you being a hybrid and the leader of the witches. I can't tell people that."

"Oh." I replied.

I could understand that. Especially with what happened with Elias, even though he was forced. He still broke Colby's trust.

"Well, now's the time to get to know them. Plus, I can take off my amulet and tell you what I feel. So, you can cheat." I grinned at him and stuck out my tongue.

He laughed, and pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you crazy girl."

"I love you too, tall, dark, and emo."

He laughed again, pulling back to look down at me as he shook his head. "Come on. Let's go before I miss the whole damn thing by just staying here with you."

Devyn laughed and shook her head. "These vamp emotions are definitely something that I have to get used to. Like right now, I usually can't feel anything coming off of Chloe when she's wearing the amulet, but right now it's so intense, I kind of want to go jump Corey really quick before we leave."

I flushed again, the blood rushing to my face. "Shut UP Devyn!" I cried, bringing my free hand up to place against my hot cheek.

Colby chuckled and squeezed my hand.

"Good thing you can't feel mine. Corey wouldn't make it past the door."

I heard Corey's loud laugh come from behind the door. "I mean...I'm down." He said, poking his head in.

Devyn laughed, and kissed him quickly.

"Can't. Have to get ready fast. Be right back." She darted out, with Corey right behind her.

Colby and I went downstairs to meet everyone. Corey and Devyn joined us a few minutes later. Everyone looked amazing.

This didn't seem real, like it couldn't possibly be my life. Sam was dressed in black pants, with a black button up Givenchy dress shirt tucked in so that his belt showed. His blonde hair contrasted it nicely.

Kat couldn't keep her eyes off of him, and I could definitely see why. She was wearing an elegant blue dress that matched her hair. It looked like silk water, flowing over her frame.

They all looked so good, it honestly made me self conscious. There was no way that I fit in with them.

Colby put his arm around my waist, drawing me closer against his side.

"Hey, Gorgeous, what are you thinking about?"

I looked up at him and smiled softly.

How does he always know just what to say without even trying?

"That I love you all so much and I can't believe this is my life."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "Believe it. You belong here." He looked back up at everyone. "Everybody ready to do this?" Cheers erupted from the group, fists going up in the air. "Let's do it then!" Colby cried, pulling me along with him as we rushed out the door in a group.

Spirits were high as we piled into our cars, and headed towards that dreadful building. My anxiety grew the closer we got but I tried to not let it show. Couldn't really help it with what had happened last time that I was here.

Did they hate me for killing their friends? Thoughts similar to this flew through my mind, as we parked. Colby opened my door, and held his hand out to me.

I lifted my dress so that it wouldn't drag on the dirty concrete. We all walked towards the club door. The big vamp standing outside didn't even stop us, just waved us through without a word.

Once we were inside, the familiar smells hit me, but the coppery smell wasn't there this time.

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