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My friends were in trouble. More of the guard and the Council had arrived, making the fight uneven. Corey, Mike, Elton, Jake and Tara were all on the ground with someone over them, holding an...okay some had swords, while others had axes, to their throats.

Seeing as how I just saw Colby rip the head off of a vampire, I was pretty sure that would kill them. Devyn was twisting and turning, like a rabid animal, snarling at the two guys who were holding her. Sam and Colby both were being held by four vampires, two on each side of them.

They were fighting but unable to break free since there were so many. I realized all of this in half a second, and then saw why Colby had yelled my name. There were two more headed straight for me.

They were going at a normal pace, not vampire speed. I guess they thought that since I wasn't human, they wouldn't need to use their speed. I felt it then.

The magic was tied to my emotions. That much I knew. Somehow, it became much clearer on how to control it when my emotions were heightened and the more I used it, even accidentally.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, giving me a chance to think all of these things, and see all of this around me. The white noise started buzzing in my brain, while I actually felt electricity crackling in my fingertips. The vamps that were heading for me were about five feet away.

Almost close enough to touch me and I wasn't moving. I could vaguely hear the others screaming my name, especially Colby. I saw him struggling violently against his captors and his voice was the clearest, but I still didn't move.

Instead, I smiled at the vamps, staring straight into their eyes, first one then the other. Four feet now. I rubbed my fingers against my thumbs, feeling actual sparks manifest from my skin.

This was going to be fun. I felt a burning desire to destroy all of them, every single one of them who dared to lay their hands on my friends, my family...my love. They were going to regret it.

Three feet now.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked coyly, holding my hands out, palms up, in front of me.

The two large vamps stopped just two feet away from me. Close enough to lean forwards and grab me. Their expressions were confused for just a moment, then they looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah darlin', I think we are. Might be fun to see just what a witch can do...maybe have a little fun for ourselves before we hand you over." The larger of the two smirked at me, and pushed his blonde auburn hair back from his forehead.

Their eyes were black, and their fangs were out, extending out over their bottom lips. Full vamp mode. This would have originally freaked me out, but the energy coursing through my body was making me feel giddy, untouchable even.

I had a split second to pray that it wasn't lying to me, when the other lanky black haired one reached for me. I still had my hands out in front of me. This is it, I thought, taking a deep breath.

I shoved my hands forwards, pushing the power out from me, through my palms and fingertips. That white hot energy shot out of me again, blasting the two vamps back, over the heads of the others, till they crashed against the opposite walls. I didn't stop.

I threw my hand out again, towards the ones holding down Elton and Mike, then Jake and Tara. I didn't stop to see what happened, just kept pushing the power out, shoving it with everything I had in me, towards them, wanting to hurt them, to kill them even. I walked forwards quickly, blasting the ones holding Corey and Devyn, seeing the four that had Sam and Colby start to press down on their shoulders, hearing cracks as they broke their bones.

Rage screamed out of me, my throat tearing with the force and I shoved both hands together and out straight towards them, as they shoved Sam and Colby onto the ground, leaving me a perfect opening. This time, they weren't blasted backwards. This time...they exploded. Gruesomely.

A pink mist sprayed everyone as a loud popping noise filled my ears. I froze for a moment, looking at Sam and Colby. They were staring at me wide eyed from their positions on the hard ground.

Then I sank to my knees, collapsing against the dirty floor. I had nothing left. My energy was completely gone and I was about to pass out.

As my eyes fluttered shut, I thought I saw bright blue eyes hovering over mine. Time passed. That much I knew.

I was stuck inside my head, reliving the pain, death, and destruction that had happened. Seeing Colby twist a man's head off, feeling the sticky blood on his hands as he gripped my arms. Feeling the warm pink mist spray my face as I shot everything I had left in me towards my last enemies still standing.

Sometimes it was dark though, and peaceful. Just emptiness, my brain finally being quiet for a change. Other times, I could hear my friends talking, their muffled sentences sounding worried as they occasionally said my name.

"Fuck this." I heard Colby's voice say very clearly once, before feeling something against my lips.

Then it was the memories again, just as vividly as last time, and the darkness.

A never ending cycle.

"Chloe, baby, wake up."

Could I?

Did I want to? It was peaceful here sometimes.

If I just waited a little while, it would be peaceful again.

"Baby, I need you. You know that. You can't leave me. DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP, YOU STUBBORN, SMART MOUTH ASS WOMAN! DO YOU HEAR ME?"

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