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Hey you guys, just wanted to check in again and say thank you so much for all the love you guys are showing me! I appreciate you all so much. I literally love reading all of the comments, and watching your reactions to parts of the story. It makes my day. So thank you and please keep doing it. You guys are the reason I write and you help to keep me motivated. I love you Always!

"Would you have though? If it meant risking her life." He nodded his head towards me. "If it meant risking Chloe's life, would you have done it? Or you Sam, would you have risked Katrina's life like that? Or would you have been in the exact same position that I was in? Betraying your family, to save the One that you physically can't live without."

Sam glanced at Kat, while Colby kept eye contact with Elias, still glaring at him. However, I noticed that his expression wasn't half as hard as it was a second ago. There was doubt on his face now, along with anger, and maybe confusion.

"No. I wouldn't have done it. I would never risk her life. Ever." Colby replied, finally looking over and meeting my gaze.

Elias closed his eyes for a second in relief before opening them back up. Sam let his arms go, and stepped back.

"Even if I understand, you can't expect forgiveness right away Elias. Would you have forgiven me for doing what you did? I don't hate you. I just have a lot of anger towards you. I can't seem to just let it go." Colby replied, looking back at him.

Elias nodded.

"I don't expect you to. Any of you. I just didn't know where else to go. This is my family. Regardless of the fact that I was banished from it until whenever, you guys are still my family. Family doesn't end in blood. I need your help, if you're willing. I didn't know who else to turn to."

Colby sighed and looked at Sam.

Sam nodded at him.

"Fine. What is the council doing with Jade? Why did they take her and not you? I don't understand what is going on. Explain."

Colby turned and walked to the couch, taking a seat next to me, while motioning his hand towards the bar stools for  Elias. Sam sat on the other side of Kat. Elias pulled one up and sat down, balancing his legs on the bottom rung.

"They think that she is a spy for the human government and they want to know more about her. She's not. I swear she's not. She is in the Army but she's on leave. I guess since she's connected, they just don't believe me. That and there's no telling what kind of sour information they received from whoever ratted us out." Elias shook his head and then started chewing the skin around the nail bed of his thumb.

I stared at him because it was such a human reaction to stress. He glanced over and caught my eye. Usually, my shyness would have me turning away but not this time.

He needed to see that I wasn't afraid of him. I could still feel his remorse, but it wasn't as intense now. His worry for his girlfriend was overshadowing it.


"I'm sorry Chloe. I had no right to do that. I just-"

"DON'T talk to her." Colby hissed out, as he dug his phone out of his pocket.

I raised my eyebrows at him, my automatic reaction taking over.

"You can't say who can and cannot speak to me Colby Brock! He's trying to apologize. He got to apologize to you, but it happened to me. I don't get an apology?? Shut up and let him speak."

He had a shocked look on his face for just a second but it passed quickly and I saw anger flash in his eyes. "He hurt you! You can't tell me what to do with my clan members! They are my responsibility, and I give the orders! Not you! ME." He raised his voice, just as I had, effectively shutting me up...for a second anyways.

I think that the anger in the room was starting to get to me, as well as his snarky attitude. If I was being honest, I had kind of missed this bad ass side of him though. We never argued anymore.

I'm so messed up in the head. While I might have missed it, I wasn't going to take his shit either. I stood up, leaning down so that my face was level with his.

"YOU give the orders huh? Well, how about this? When I'm ALLOWED to let someone that used to be your FRIEND apologize to me, why don't YOU just let ME know. Then you can tell me whether or not I'm allowed to accept said apology. Since you seem to want to be in control of everything." I stood and turned, planning on going back upstairs.

He wanted to handle this, fine. I was going to bed. Fuck him and his dominating attitude.

I felt his grip on my wrist, firm but gentle.

"Chloe, stop."

I stopped, but I didn't turn around.

What choice did I have? He was a freaking vampire. If he didn't want me to move, I didn't move.

Of course, he probably would have let me go if I had insisted, because this was Colby.

"I didn't say that he wasn't allowed to apologize to you, I just...after what happened the last time he spoke to you..." He trailed off and sighed.

He sounded so defeated that I felt myself turning towards him. Sure enough, the hand that he wasn't holding me with was running back and forth through his hair, mussing it even more. He looked up and caught my gaze, his blue eyes darting back and forth in between my own.

"I can't help but be protective of you, after everything that has happened. You can't hold that against me." And that was all it took.

I sat back down, in his lap this time, wrapping my arms around his neck as he let go of my wrist with a look of surprise on his face. Guess he didn't think it would be that easy. Hell, neither did I, but there ya go.

His arms wrapped around my whole body, pulling me against him, while I buried my face in his neck.

"I'm sorry."

I leaned back up, and gave him a small smile. "It's okay. I probably shouldn't have went off like that, so I'm sorry too."

He grinned at me, that big beautiful smile that had me wanting to poke his dimples. "Look at us working our problems out with conversation."

I giggled, and leaned down to kiss him.

"Well...that turned out better than I thought it would. Faster than usual too." Sam replied wryly.

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