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My eyes automatically found Colby's, but everyone else's head was turned towards me.

"Hey Chloe, how're you doing?" Mike asked.

The smile on his face was huge, and as I looked around, I noticed that the others had big grins on their faces as well. I sighed, and let my shoulders drop a little.

"But I wanted to tell them." I whined, pouting at Colby.

He laughed, and shrugged.

"You did. Vampires, remember?" He said tapping his ear. "Or do you?"

I scrunched my nose up at him. "Shut up. Stupid vampires with their stupid sonic hearing." I muttered as everyone stood up and gathered around me.

They were all laughing a little.

Kevin enveloped me in a giant bear hug, picking me up off of the ground.

"Good to have you back sweetie."

Then Mike. "I missed you."

Then Aryia gave me a gentle hug and smiled. Elton was next in line and I eyed him warily.

He flashed his fangs at me, causing me to glare at him, before he enveloped me in a hug, laughing.

"Not the same here without your smart ass. Stick around a bit longer, okay?"

I smiled at him when he let go and stepped back. "I plan on it Uncle Elton." He grinned at me using the guys pet name for him and stepped away.

Jake picked me up and swung me around.

"So glad you're back. Colby's such an asshole without you. We need you. Don't ever leave again." He replied earnestly, his eyes wide.

I laughed at his over dramatization. Tara swooped in, hugging me around my waist.

"He's not joking." She replied quietly, even though everyone could obviously hear her, except Kat and Devyn.

"Oh." I replied, a little surprised, my eyes finding Colby's.

He just pursed his lips and shrugged.

"Sorry." He said, with a bashful little grin.

But why did that make me happy? Not that he was an asshole, but just that he needed me and the others felt like he needed me. Corey wrapped his large arms around my neck, gathering me close to him.

"Glad you're back Chloe." He replied, rubbing my back a little, then stepping back for Devyn.

She looked at me for a second, then squealed and tackled me with a hug. I was already crying. I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

This was a lot of emotion coming at me from a lot of people. There was no way that my now sentimental ass heart could take it.

"I missed you! It's hard to make friends when you live with a bunch of vamps. I just found you and Kat. Don't do that to me again." She sobbed out.

I laughed, and wiped under my eyes with my fingers.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

She stepped back and I saw Sam standing in front of me now.

He just grinned, a soft slow smile that lit up his face.

"I took care of him while you were gone, but now it's your turn again. Think you're up for the job?"

I smiled at him through watery eyes, then rushed him with a hug. This man...I didn't even know him that well, but I felt a connection to him that I didn't feel with the others,excluding Colby of course. Sam was different.

He got me on an emotional level. He was Colby's other half, the first one that had accepted me in this crazy house, and the one who had helped Colby work on himself and his control. Sam had always been there for me, when I didn't even know it.

Helping Colby with every little thing. Maybe it was for Colby because he was his best friend, but I would always be grateful to him. He was perfect for Katrina and I was so happy that my best friend had found someone to love her.

I knew that she would always be okay as long as she had him. I was straight out sobbing by this point, and I felt a cool strong hand pull me gently from Sam's arms. I looked up and met Colby's warm eyes, the blue swimming with so much emotion, that I only sobbed harder.

He pulled me to him, and we walked back over to the bean bag, where he gathered me into his lap, and I hid my face to finish my sobbing. No one said anything, but I could hear Kat and Devyn's soft hiccups and strangled breathing from their crying too. Colby rubbed my back and stroked my hair until I calmed down.

I lifted my head, meeting his gaze.

"I'm s-sorry. I just-" I waved my hand around to everyone. "Too much." Was all I could get out.

I took a few deep breaths as he smiled and the others kind of chuckled.

"Alright, now that we've turned Chloe into a blubbering pile of tears, let's start the meeting. First thing...Corey and Devyn. Have you guys set the date yet?" Colby's voice turned all authoritative when he resumed his role as leader.

That almost caught my attention completely but his words did break through my perverted ass mind.

"Date? For what?" I asked.

Colby held his hand up to shut me up. Damn it, I had to respect it because this was his position but that didn't mean that it was easy when all I wanted to do was slap his hand down. I drew my lips inside my mouth to shut myself up, and leaned back against the side of him so that I could still see his face.

His eyes shot to me quickly, then away, but I saw the smirk he was trying to hide. He knew how hard that was for me and he thought it was funny. Asshole.

I watched him regain control on his face, making it stoic again. Oh but that was such a pretty face. He was my asshole.

"Yeah actually. We had originally said Devyn's birthday but that didn't work out with everything happening." Corey replied.

"Wait, I missed your birthday? Oh Dev, I'm so sorry! Happy late Birthday. I'll buy you a gift when I go to town." I blurted out.

She giggled as I felt Colby poke me in the arm.

I turned to look at him.


"Will you shut up and let us finish this?"

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