68 (Colby's POV)

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I nodded at him, and stepped forwards to give him a one armed hug.

It was complicated since Jade was still in his arms.

"Go Brother. Tell Chloe...just tell her that I love her. And Sam. Tell Sam that I'm trying."

He clasped the back of my shirt in his hand then released me, pulling back. "I will never be able to repay you for this Colby, but I will try until my dying day, if that ever comes. Thank you. Be safe."

I nodded again, as he picked Jade up in his arms and zipped out of the room. Now it was just me. Me and the Council.

I turned back to face them, letting my eyes go from one to the next, standing my ground.

"Colby Brock, you've come before the Council today with many transgressions against us. Now's your chance to defend yourself." The lady vamp that told Elias to leave spoke, combing her fingers through her hair, eyeing me.

I recognized that look.

Wonder if I could use it to my advantage?

I put on my best cocky grin and held her gaze.

" I appreciate you giving me the chance. Might I say, you are looking exceptionally beautiful today Miss...?"

I swear the woman would've blushed if she could've. Instead, she fluttered her eyelashes at me, and smiled, biting down on the corner of her bottom lip. I knew she was an old vamp but she actually was beautiful, looking close to her 30's, with shiny black hair, an olive complexion to her skin.

"Oh for fuck's sake, can you calm down Victoria? This man is here for treason and a number of other transgressions, and you're flirting with him?" Hillmond was messing up my chance at an easier sentence.

Asshole. He was glaring at the woman, his eyes full of disgust. She just shrugged, looking away from me towards him.

"Calm down? I think it's you who needs to calm down. You already planned to convict this nice young man before he even walked into the room. I'm just trying to hear his side of what happened and why he felt that he needed to do what he did." She looked back to me and smiled.

Seeing as how Hillmond would have the final say, I didn't really think that I had much of a chance but if I could sway the others, then maybe, just maybe, I could at least save my life. So that's what I did. I was as nice as I possibly could be, throwing as much charm as I could into my words.

I smiled, my biggest smile at all of them, men and women alike, showing them that I wasn't a danger to them. I told them about how Millie used me to her advantage, turning herself into a vampire. I didn't tell them about Elton, and they didn't ask, so apparently that information hadn't been divulged.

When I had to speak about Chloe, that's where things turned...difficult. I didn't want to let them know anything about her.

"Your One. She knows everything?" Hillmond asked wryly.

It took all I had not to be sarcastic.

I actually bit down on my lip hard to stop myself.

"Yes, she knows everything. Her memories are back."

He raised his eyebrows like he didn't already know that, the stupid twat. "Really? And how did you accomplish that feat?"

Don't growl Colby, don't do it.

I cleared my throat instead.

"With the help of a witch."

As I expected, the Council got loud, their voices raising together with their outrage at me allowing a witch to help me. I said nothing until they quieted. Hillmond just grinned his evil little grin at me while the others continued to discuss the situation.

"This is unacceptable. We cannot allow our vampires to be involved with witches. That's something the Rogue clan might do, but not our most trusted clan." This came from one of the men sitting towards the end of the table.

I hung my head as if in remorse, before looking back up at him.

"Sir, I understand what you are saying. However, if you were in my position what would you have done? Have any of you ever found your One?"

I looked around the table praying for at least one raised hand. I was in luck. I got two.

A man on the opposite side of the table and a lady sitting next to the first man that had just spoken. Both raised their hands, their foreheads creased. I nodded at them and smiled sweetly.

"Then you know how it is. You know the intense need to be with them, to make sure they're okay, to keep them safe. Especially if they're human. My Chloe was in a coma. I wasn't thinking clearly. I knew that I hadn't reported Millie to the Council, much less Chloe, and I didn't want to put her in anymore danger." I let my gaze travel between the two that could understand where I was coming from. "Please understand, I would never do anything to purposely betray my Council. I trust and believe in the laws that are upheld within these walls but I had to bring her back. If a witch was the only way, then so be it. I understand if I have to be punished for that, and I'll accept it. Please keep in mind that she is still out there, alone. I need to be with her. She can't live without me, just as I can't live without her."

Hopefully, they would understand and go easy on me. At least not kill me and leave Chloe alone. If they killed me, they would go after her and take her memories, making her forget again.

Possibly delving inside her mind for their own curiosities and finding out that she's a witch herself. Fuck but this was complicated. I couldn't let them kill me.

I would have to fight. I would probably lose but I would damn sure take out as many as I could. Sam would protect Chloe.

I had to believe that.

I saw sympathy in their eyes, an understanding that only someone who feels the same way can show.

"That is true, Mr. Brock."

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