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"Hey brother, sorry to interrupt, but I needed to tell you that the Council said we have to pick someone to lead the Deviant Clan within the next couple of hours or they'll do it for us. We should talk about it."

Colby nodded, grabbed my hand and we followed Sam downstairs.

"Colby, I have to start back to work soon. Again. I swear, I've barely worked at all since I started." I shook my head as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Don't worry about it." He replied. "It's all set up for you to work from home, so that you can work at night. I know this is getting to you. You haven't even been writing lately. Hopefully, this will slow down and you can get back to doing what you love. Your office is actually waiting for you with the new manuscripts that your boss sent over."

I stopped in front of the kitchen counter and tilted my head at him. "You're amazing, you know that?"

One corner of his mouth quirked up. "I do know that. I'm awesome." I went to roll my eyes, but shrieked instead when he snatched me around the waist, and spun me around quickly. "You're pretty damn amazing too though." He replied.

He set me down on my feet, and I realized that Sam had already went into the garage, leaving it open for us. Hand in hand, we walked in, finding the rest of the group there. We went to our usual spot and sat down, me in Colby's lap.

"Did you guys have fun?" Jake asked, innocently looking over at us, a big grin on his face.

Colby's hand that was resting on my hip, squeezed gently.

"Tons. Now let's get this started. We need someone to run the Clan. Someone who isn't part of the guard. So that excludes everyone here."

Devyn raised her hand slightly. "Does that include me? I mean, I don't want to be clan leader, just wondering if I'm part of the guard...since I'm so new."

Sam leaned forwards to answer, shifting Kat over a little in his lap so that he could see Devyn. "No, not yet, but we did make it to where you will be with Corey. He's going to train you for our Personal Guard so that you don't have to really be separated from him." Sam looked over to Colby and I. "After you two left, I had a discussion with Victoria. I explained that we will need a personal guard for Kat and Chloe too. Sooo when you're ready, you will be assigned to one of them. I think we may pull in Elton, Kevin and Aryia too. The Council will just go through others from our clan and the other LA clans for their Guard."

"So, wait. We're all going to be on the Personal Guard? Like, everyone in this room?" Kevin asked, a big grin crossing his handsome face.

Sam nodded.

"Yep brother, all of you. That way, we're still in this together. We're family and family comes first. Always."


"Yeeeaahh!" Various cheers erupted from the group, followed by fist bumps and high fives going around.

I was sitting sideways in Colby's lap, smiling as I watched my family become so happy that we would stay together no matter what.

Sam turned back to Colby and I.

"Then there is the Deviant Clan Leader topic. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to choose without you when Victoria asked if we had already chosen or not. We have to pick someone though. Since all of these guys are already assigned, who are your top two picks for leader?"

Colby absentmindedly rubbed his hand along my thigh. I felt the goosebumps pop up over my skin, and my body's automatic reaction to his touch.

I knew that it would always be this way with him and I couldn't be happier about it.

"I only have one really. I was going to suggest Dean but he's more of a follower, a good soldier, than a leader. I need someone that can make the hard choices, no matter the circumstances. Even if it means going against the Council, or risking the life of someone you love to save the Clan."

Colby looked meaningfully at Sam, who pursed his lips. "You mean...?"

Colby nodded. "Yeah, I do. Elias will make a great clan leader for Deviant. He's sharp, intelligent, loves the clan with everything in him, and was even willing to chance his One being harmed or killed to save my own." Colby squeezed my leg again, as he looked at me and smiled. "I'm not sure that I could've done the same. He erased her memories, but he saved her life, even though Jade could have been killed for him not following their directions. He made the choices alone, with no one's help. Elias is my choice. Do you have someone else in mind?"

I actually couldn't believe that he had chosen Elias. After everything...I didn't know that he had forgiven him. I knew that he still loved him, but I honestly thought he still kind of hated him.

That was the leader in him though, I suppose. Despite his personal feelings, he was doing what he thought was best for the clan.

A slow smile crossed Sam's face as he stared back at Colby and nodded.

"I agree with you brother. Elias will make an excellent leader. Once the Council approves our decision, we'll let him know and he'll be appointed."

Colby nodded, one quick time. "Okay, guess that just leaves our usual job assignment. Won't be doing that much longer. Instead, it'll be meeting with various clan leaders, and sitting behind desks making decisions. I guess we will still be handing out jobs though, just bigger ones to more vamps."

I tapped his hand that was lying on my thigh, making him look at me. "I'm gonna go up to my office and get started on my own work, while you guys do this, okay?"

He leaned in to kiss me softly. It seemed like our shared energy was still there, as I felt it pass through our joined lips.

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