70 (Colby's POV)

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I made my decision and shook my head.

"No. She's no more a witch than you or I. Where did you hear that?"

He held my gaze, a knowing look in his eyes.

He knew I was lying.

"That isn't your concern. Are you sure about your answer Mr. Brock? You know that we have our...ways of figuring out the truth."

I rolled my eyes. Couldn't help it.

"Yeah, I know you can invade my mind and even plant things in there that aren't true. Just like what Aza did to Jade. I'm telling the truth. If I weren't though, what then? You guys are so dead set against witches and for what? The feud was started hundreds of years ago. Does anyone even remember why? I just know that we're supposed to hate them. Witches are gross. Freaking killing animals, and using their blood and bones in their rituals." I shivered. "Ugh. So no, Chloe isn't a witch. I couldn't be with a witch...but if she were, what happens? She's my One. We have to be together. What protocol is there for a situation like that? You might want to figure it out for future vamps."

Hillmond didn't reply, just held my gaze. I refused to look away until I heard a soft clearing of a throat. I glanced to the left of him.

A woman with golden hair, streaked with black sat next to him. She was smaller than the rest, and hadn't said a word since we had started this thing.

I had barely noticed her to be honest.

"He has a point. We aren't feuding with the witches but we don't associate with them and it's considered treason to work with them. If we were to kill this animosity between our legions, they may be able to help us even."

I nodded my head. "That's true. Aza has been working with witches for a long time. I'm pretty sure that's why we can't figure out what the ingredient is in the poison. It was made by witches."

Hillmond grinned slowly, his eyes glinting at me. "And yet the only way that you know this is because you were working with Aza and the witches. I think that you have more to tell us Mr. Brock. Things that could be useful to us against our enemies. It seems that you have joined their ranks, withholding information from us."

I shook my head hard. "No, I am with the Council through and through. I have done nothing but complete any jobs that you have asked of me. Even going so far as to take our enemies against the Council without direction. I am the leader of the top clan in LA, earning the position that was given to me! I make one mistake and you're going to to assume that I've went traitor? Don't I get a trial or something? Innocent until proven guilty and all that?"

Hillmond laughed sadistically. "Oh sweet boy, you've been hanging out with the humans too much. You know that's not how things work here. I believe that we will try to get you to freely tell us what you know without delving into your mind just yet. We'll save that for later, if our...methods fail to work."

"Wait, I've told you ever-"

"Take him away." Hillmond said, cutting me off as he motioned to the guards still standing next to me.

"This is bullshit!" I yelled, looking over my shoulder as they dragged me off.

I could break away if I wanted to. I thought about it. I could easily take these two out, and start working on the Council.

But then where would that leave me? And my clan. There would just be other Councils from other areas that would come in and start a war trying to take us out.

I would pretty much put a bounty on my entire clans head from other vamps all over the world. So I let them take me. I knew they were going to lock me up and torture me.

Hillmond wanted this. He wouldn't do it himself because he didn't like to get his hands dirty, but he would watch, reveling in my pain. That's okay.

I'm tough, I can handle it. They weren't getting anything else out of me. When they went inside my head...well, I don't know yet.

I had to get word to Sam somehow. They were all going to go into hiding but at least it wouldn't be the entire world looking for them. They would be safe somewhere else.

Maybe he could take her and the gang to Hawaii or something. Let her try to enjoy life without me. As long as she could stand it anyways.

My chest ached with the knowledge that she wouldn't be happy...because I knew that I wasn't going to make it out of here. Hillmond would make it his mission to make sure that they took me out after he had his fun and got what he wanted. I was kind of starting to regret being a whore for so long.

He wasn't a Council member when I fucked his girl, but he was still a Council member's son. Maybe I should have thought about that. Didn't care too much about life back then so consequences for my actions didn't really matter to me.

Now it was coming back to bite me in the ass. The guard took me through the double doors shoving me in front of them, letting me walk on my own.

"Think that's a good idea boys?" I asked coyly.

What was the point in watching my mouth now?

"Just letting me walk alone. Pretty sure I can take you. Maybe I will. Just to prove a point." I turned around to face them, while I walked backwards down the dark hallway.

"Turn the fuck around Brock. Try it if you want to. We'll kill you without a second thought. Hillmond doesn't really want information from you. He just wants you to feel pain, then for you to die. I'm sure he won't mind if we skip a step." The big guy with the black hair on the right slammed his fist into his hand while he spoke.

I shrugged, and turned back around.

"Just thought you might like to have some fun big guy."

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