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Colby bit his lip, staring at me.

"You sure? I mean, you just found out some really hard core information. You wanna go with me? Or sit with the others till I get back? We can go see if Sam and Kat are...finished."

I cracked a grin with the way he spoke of Sam and Kat. "No, I'm okay. I'll just go up to your room and hang out with Prissy. I haven't had any alone time with her since I woke up. She's so attached to you now." He gave me a small smile and set my heart to running a race. "When you get back, we can go over the story together and you can tell me what parts are real and what parts aren't."

That beautiful grin broke out over his face again, his eyes lighting up. "Really? You're gonna let me read it?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think I am."

It took me by surprise when he pressed his lips to mine forcefully, stealing my breath. When he broke away, I stumbled from being caught off guard. He smirked.

"Don't get a big head Brock, I'm clumsy." I retorted.

"There she is. I was wondering when that smart mouth would keep coming out." He replied, winking at me.

"Shut up and go get my laptop."

He leaned over to kiss me quickly one more time. "I'll be right back. You already promised to let me read it. Can't change your mind."

I nodded, and rolled my eyes. "I didn't promise but I'm not going to change my mind. I need to do this to see if it helps me remember."

"Don't care why. You're letting me read it. I'm excited!" His goofy ass said, clapping his hands like a school girl.

I laughed.

"Just go!" He blew me a kiss and started walking out into the hall. "Wait!" I called out.

He turned back, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Your keys." I nodded to the keys sitting on the counter.

He shook his head.

"Those aren't mine. They're Jakes, but I don't need them anyways. Not taking my car. Gonna run. Faster that way."

I furrowed my brow looking at him, then shook my head. "Okay, Mr. Fucking Cullen." I muttered under my breath.

Yep, he definitely had that super hearing, because his smile just got larger after I said that.

"I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I...I love you too." I replied.

Then he was gone. I started to make my way back into the hallway, when I heard a soft female voice call my name. I looked back towards the garage and saw Tara standing there.

"Um, yeah?" I asked hesitantly.

It was a little different now that I knew she was a freaking vampire...again.

"You doing okay...with everything?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not freaking out. Apparently, my brain knows somehow that I already knew so I guess it's easier this time to take. Since I already knew, even though I didn't know this time. Am I making sense?" I was rambling and badly.

Tara laughed a little and shook her head.

"Not in the slightest but I get it. I'm glad you're okay. Maybe all of the girls can get together tomorrow evening and hang out? I kind of miss that."

I chewed my bottom lip. "Yeah, I guess. Sounds good. I probably need to blow off some steam."

She grinned widely. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then. Sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite!" My eyes widened at her words but I just shook my head and turned around to leave and go upstairs. "Or maybe do. Colby probably needs it." I pretended not to hear but she knew that I did because I heard her soft laughter following me up the stairs.

When I reached Colby's room, I grabbed up Prissy and just waited for him to get back.

Where the hell was my phone? I was bored. I didn't have to be bored long though, because Colby was back two minutes later.

He laughed at my look of shock when I watched him walk through the bedroom door.

"I told you that I would be right back." He replied.

"Yeah, but my apartment is across town...you know what nevermind. Let me see it and thank you so much baby!!" Oh...I didn't actually mean to say that, but I was glad that I did, when I saw the smile spread across his face.

He didn't acknowledge it, and handed me my laptop without a word. I scooted over on the bed to make room for him. Prissy got up as soon as he got settled and lay on his chest.

Damn cat. I opened my laptop and pulled up the story titled Midnight. I glanced at Colby to see his eyes already scanning the screen.

I turned it away from him.

"Hey! Not yet!" I cried, nervously. "I wanted to ask you something because I remember seeing something in here...and I need to know."

He got a worried expression on his face.

That wasn't a good sign.

"Did I lose my memory because...did you compel me?"

His mouth fell open, making a perfect O. "Oh my God, no, Chloe, I wouldn't! Okay, well, I did, but it was only one time, and I only took 5 minutes from you. Just the first kiss, that was it! I- HEY!" He stopped when I smacked him as hard as I could on his arm, only hurting myself in the process. "See, you can't just do that. You're going to break your damn hand. Stop being so violent."

"This coming from the fucking vampire that bites and kills people?" I asked, cradling my hand. "Why would you take our first kiss? I thought the Mini Golf thing was our first kiss."

He shook his head as he took my hand in his.

The coolness felt good on my swollen skin.

"No, that was just the first time that you remembered, until your memory came back about the other one. You hated me when I kissed you then, and Kat came home. I didn't have time to explain so I just took the memory."

"Okay, so how did I lose all of my other memories then?"

He bent my fingers back and forth making sure they weren't broken. It hurt a little but not badly.

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