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Devyn and Tara handed us our tiaras...yes, freaking tiaras, and I placed Kat's on her head, then she placed mine on me. We turned to look in the mirror.

"We actually are princesses." She sighed, feeling the tiara on top of her head.

Hers had small, pale blue jewels and diamonds encrusted in it, with white flowers along the band. Mine was the same, only with yellow jewels.

"Yeah, and you're about to be Queens, ruling the underworld of LA." Tara quipped, popping up beside me.

"Stoooop it." I moaned, almost feeling overwhelmed.

I tended not to think about Sam and Colby literally being in charge and the position that I knew that I would eventually have to take.

"This is it though. We're finished."

I felt like I was dripping in money and it made me slightly uncomfortable but I shook it off. This was my day, and I was going to enjoy it.

"You guys ready to head to the Council Chambers?" Tara asked, when she saw that we were finished.

We nodded simultaneously.

"Ready as we'll ever be." I replied, taking Kat's hand in mine. "Let's do this."

Sam and Colby, with the rest of the guys except Elton, were meeting us at the French Council Chambers. Elton was driving us. He joked around and made us laugh during the drive, which I was thankful for.

My nerves were dancing, and the electricity was buzzing along my skin. I was excited, so excited, but nervous. I already knew that Colby was my forever, and had no doubts but it was still a giant change to knowing it and making it official.

When we arrived, we were led through the old style building, to the back, and down the stairs, by a couple of female vamps who were dressed very stylish in short silky looking dresses that cost more than I made in a year. It was elegant and posh. Nothing like the American LA version, but you could still feel the old money.

More so even. There didn't seem to be many people around, which honestly made me feel better. Didn't really want an audience besides all of my friends that were here.

Didn't need any random people that I didn't know making me even more nervous. I swallowed harshly, hanging onto Kat's hand for dear life as we followed the girls into a small room, with another adjoining door.

"This is where you'll wait until you hear the bell. When you hear that you'll exit through here, to meet your other half. Then the ceremony shall begin. Please do not disrespect the ceremony." The snootier of the two said, looking down her nose at us.

Okay, so she was one of those that only liked humans for food, or hated witches...or both. Either way, she wasn't going to ruin this for us.

"We have no intentions of ruining anything. This is our day. The day that we join with those two incredibly handsome, kind, insanely rich men out there...by the way, how did your joining ceremony go?" I asked innocently, raising my eyebrows at her.

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't reply. I knew that she hadn't had one because she wasn't wearing a ring and Colby had said that those were still part of their tradition too.

"Don't miss your mark." She said, before stalking out.

Everyone snickered quietly.

"Okay, time for us to go. You ladies got this?" Elton asked, leaning in for a hug.

We both nodded.

"Yeah, this is the day of our dreams. We got this." Kat said, grinning at him.

Tara and Devyn followed him out to go wherever they were supposed to go. The next room over, I'm guessing. As the door closed behind them, Kat and I just looked at one another.

"Is this how you dreamed it would be? Both of us standing with the men that we love, ready to pledge our literal undying love to them?" She asked, smiling at me nostalgically.

I shook my head and laughed.

"Not at all. It's so much more than I could have ever dreamed it would be."

She laughed with me, until both of our heads shot towards the double doors on the other side of the room, when a tinkling bell sounded.

"Fuck!" She gasped out.

I started giggling nervously.

"Don't start that! You know you won't be able to stop, if you start!"

That made it worse, and I snorted, the giggling turning into full blown laughter.

Then Katrina started laughing.

"Chloe, stop it! We have to go! Plus you're gonna cry and ruin your makeup, and mine, so stop!"

Oh shit, she was right. Devyn had worked too hard for me to let that happen. That sobered me up a bit and I took a few calming breaths to soothe the laughter and the energy that was still buzzing along my skin.

I took Kat's hand in mine, and we headed towards the door. They opened just as we stepped in front of them, allowing us to see the Chamber Hall for the first time. I gasped in amazement.

The spacious area was white, blindingly white, with black columns leading up to the ceiling. Black and white filmy material wove it's way around the columns, then flowing into the next. That was the only thing I noticed before I saw him.

HE blocked everything else from my mind. My brain registered that the others were there standing around him, that Sam was there on the other side, but my eyes only saw him. Kat and I were still holding hands and we both stepped forwards at the same time, hurrying towards them.

Then it happened. What I had always feared would happen on my wedding day. Or Joining day.

I tripped. My dress was so long, and no one was holding it up, so the bottom got stuck under my heel. As it tightened with my step, I pitched forwards letting go of Kat's hand, so that I could try to break my fall.

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