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I pulled on that energy, on the way that it made me feel and I imagined it flowing from all parts of my body, into my hand and out my fingertips into Devyn. With Colby's blood running through my veins, it seemed like my body was overflowing with so much energy, my skin was actually crackling.

"I think that's enough Chloe." I heard Colby say as he squeezed my hand.

I opened my eyes and saw Devyn looking almost drunk, a crooked grin on her face.

"Wow." She slurred out.

I widened my eyes.

"Did I just make her drunk?"

Corey looked at her with concern. "I think so. She's gonna be okay though, right?"

I shrugged, a little worried. "I hope so. I didn't do anything different than last time. Just was feeling stronger because of Colby's blood."

Dev leaned up and pecked Corey's nose with her lips. "M'good babyyyy. Chloe fixed me up." She giggled, and leaned back in his arms.

He laughed, but still looked concerned.

"Maybe you should sleep it off babe."

She nodded and buried her face in the mattress when he lay her down. "Chloe's magic hands are amazin." She mumbled, closing her eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Hopefully, it would wear off and not do anything bad to her.

Which reminded me.

"Colby, I called Melanie and she told me to be there in about an hour. Said you could go, if you wanted."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Of course I'm going. Why is that even a question?"

I shrugged, feeling my heart jump simply because of his answer. "I don't know. I wasn't sure if you had something to do with the Council maybe."

He leaned over and kissed my forehead gently, placing his hand on the back of my head. "Doesn't matter. That can wait. You will always come first."

Well fuck my heart up, why don't you? This man had me so wrecked. My life was insane, but I wouldn't want it to be any other way.

Even the witch thing was starting to grow on me, because my friends, my love, and probably myself, would be dead right now if I didn't have these powers.

Corey took care of tucking Devyn in, then we went downstairs for Colby to tell the others that he wouldn't be around tonight.

"You guys have a blood run tonight anyways, but call me if you need me. Sam should be able to handle everything though. There aren't any serious jobs until we get this Council thing straightened out. Victoria said she would talk our conditions over with the other Councils, but that there shouldn't be a problem. I know that we still have to figure out the roles that everyone is going to get, but we can do that tomorrow or tonight if we get back soon enough. Everybody good?"

Everyone nodded, and Sam clapped his hand on Colby's shoulder.

"You know I've got this. Go do what you need to Brother."

"Yeah Colby. You're not the only king in this room." Kat replied sarcastically, giving him a sweet smile.

That's my bitch. He tilted his head down a little and looked at her with a stone face. For some reason, I found that so damn hot, I almost had to clench my legs.

Jesus, this extra energy needed to be burned off and I was only thinking of one way that I wanted it to be. He had my body in a constant state of being riled up.

"Aw, didn't know you thought of me as a king, Kat. That's so sweet. I'm glad you finally admitted it to yourself." He replied grinning back at her.

She picked up her water bottle and threw it at him.

"Oh shut up, with that big head ego." He caught the bottle just before it hit his face and she rolled her eyes. "Can't wait till I'm a vamp and can actually hit you with the bottle."

He chuckled and handed the bottle to Sam. "Don't bet on it sweetheart." He turned to Sam. "Alright, hit me up if you need me. We'll be back soon."

Sam nodded, and we left. I was nervous as we drove towards Witches Forest. I stared out the car window, looking up at the full moon with so many thoughts running through my mind.

If the witches found out how powerful I was, would that be a problem?

Would they accept me?

Would I need to find my own coven? I wasn't really into dark arts and killing animals. Didn't want to be associated with that kind of stuff but Melanie seemed nice enough.

Maybe I could eventually talk to the others that she said she could connect me with. We finally arrived, and got out of the car. Colby picked me up and ran the rest of the way, as usual.

The fire was blazing in the pit, but there was no one one around it. We went straight to the same cabin as last time and knocked. Melanie opened the door, greeting us with a smile.

"Hi. I'm so glad you guys are here. I'm excited to help you learn more." She sounded like a damn preppy preschool teacher or something.

We followed her inside, but she led us to a different room this time. This time we went downstairs, into the basement. I didn't even know the cabin had a basement.

I gripped Colby's hand tightly as we walked down the narrow stairs behind her. It was dark on the way down, and I was honestly scared that I would lose my footing. Colby was tense beside me so I knew that his mistrust of the witches wasn't completely gone, but hell, neither was mine.

They hadn't done anything but help so far but this was freaking creepy.

"Uh Mel, what are we doing?"

Light flooded the room then, just as we reached the bottom.

She had pulled the cord hanging just at the bottom of the stairs.

"This is where I practice and meditate when I need to. Being outside is better, but I'm sure that you don't want an audience just yet, right?"

I swallowed harshly, and nodded. "Right." I squeaked out.

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