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It was only us, joined together as One, for now and forever.

The air felt thick and I felt the electricity spark through my body, flowing into his in that same connection as before, our souls actually joining. The cheers and cat calls brought us back to reality and had me silently cursing our friends, while my face flamed up in it's now customary blush. Colby released my lips but kept his hands firm around my waist.

I glanced at Kat, noticing that her face was extremely red too.

Wonder if the other vampires were having an issue with us doing that? Couldn't stop myself from looking around to see. They were staring at us, and looked a little hungry, but I didn't feel anything uncontrollable coming off of them.

Good thing. Didn't really want to blow up the vamps who helped us out with this. That would kind of dampen the mood.

Everyone quieted down as the Priest held both his arms up.

"Now you may continue on this journey of light and dark, accepting each other completely. May your forever be lit by the Eternal Flame." He lowered his arms, notifying that the ceremony was complete.

It was done. We were Joined.

There was nothing left to do here, so we all climbed into waiting limo's and headed back to the hotel. The night consisted of us changing into something a little more practical, slinky little dresses and the guys in their luxury street wear, so that we could hit clubs, events to sneak into (pretty easy with compulsion) or pretty much anything we wanted to do. We never stopped.

The night was a whirlwind of activities that ended with us all being on the Eiffel Tower again. Everyone. Colby and I, Sam and Kat, Jake and Tara, Corey and Dev, Mike, Kevin, Aryia, and Elton.

We reminisced about the year that had passed quicker than we all thought, and talked about what the future was sure to hold. Katrina would be turning next week, after we returned home, and everything settled down. Sam was taking a small break from his Council duties so that he could be with her, help her, but I didn't really think it would be necessary.

I was pretty confident in my ability to help her the way that I had helped Devyn, allowing her to skip the process entirely. Sam and Colby talked about how Elias, with Jade by his side, was running the Deviant Clan better than they had expected even. I'm pretty sure that there were plans to turn her within the next year, but they weren't definite yet.

"So Mike, what's up with you and Lauren?" Colby asked, smirking at him.

We were all sprawled out on a few blankets, and Mike was looking down, playing with his rings.

He smiled a little and looked up.

"I might love her. I don't know if it's the whole One thing. I don't think everyone gets to have that and there has been a lot of it going on lately. I'm okay with that though. She makes me happy and I like having her around."

"Happy for you bro." Sam replied.

Colby and I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of our time in Paris, but as most newlyweds, we didn't leave the hotel room much. Colby ended up paying off the manager, to keep him from kicking us out from all of the noise complaints that they received about us. Not just us either, but all of the couples.

I think that we were all just caught up in the romance of it all. I laughed when Colby tipped his snapback to him as we checked out. The man had taken the money but I don't think he liked us very much.

I was glad when we finally made it home. Traveling was amazing and Paris had to be the most amazing place on Earth, but I was tired. Kat and I dragged ourselves from the cars once we arrived, and made our way towards the house.

"I'm going to sleep for a week." She exclaimed.

I laughed tiredly, then both of us yelped, my heart flying to my throat as my legs came out from under me. Sam and Colby had swung us up, bridal style, right before we entered the house.

"Some traditions can't be ignored." Sam said as Colby laughed at my surprised face.

I huffed out a breath, jokingly.

"Keep scaring us like that, and this forever won't last long." I quipped back.

Sam opened the door, and crossed the threshold with Kat in his arms, Colby following close behind with me, kicking the door shut behind him.

"Home sweet home." He replied softly.

He set me down and held me close to him, making my heart skip a beat as he leaned in to press his lips softly against mine. This was my home. Him. Forever.

I caught up on my rest, before deciding to jump back into my work. Still hadn't heard anything from Mr. Roberts about my manuscript, but I knew that sometimes took time and I didn't want to annoy him.

So when my phone started blaring in the middle of the day, when I was sleeping, I might've been a little bitchy when I answered it.

"What?" I grumbled into the speaker.

"Ms. Daniels? It's Mr. Roberts. Is this a bad time?"

I sat straight up in the bed, causing Colby's arm to jerk off of me when I did.

He grumbled a little and rolled over, heavy ass sleeper that he was.

"No sir, it's fine. How can I help you? I haven't finished the manuscripts for this week but I'm-"

"Chloe, calm down. I wanted to talk to you about YOUR manuscript actually."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it like it had grown an actual head or something. "Ms. Daniels, are you there?" I heard the tinny voice coming through, and slapped it back to my ear.

"Yes sir. Um, what about my manuscript?" I asked nervously.

"Well, I think it's good. It needs a little fine tuning obviously, but you're very talented. The story itself is so creative."

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