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As we passed Elias, whom Sam was still holding, I caught his eyes. I could actually see the torment that he was going through besides being able to feel it. His eyes were blood shot, and full of so much grief and resentment, I couldn't help but gasp.

Colby rushed me on by and sat me down on the couch before motioning to Sam to bring Elias inside the room. I guess he knew that I would want to see what happened since it all happened because of me. When he turned to look back at Elias, I thought maybe he was doing it for his benefit.

Maybe he thought that he wouldn't lose control with me in the room. At this moment, I wasn't so sure about that. The look on his face was terrifying.

I could his eyes slowly turning black, and bloodshot, the little black veins running underneath more prominent than ever before. He snarled at Elias, a bone chilling sound that I hoped to never hear come from his mouth again, as his fangs shot out of his mouth. I actually backed up into the couch, the feeling of sadness from Elias, overcome by the terror of seeing Colby this angry.

Why would he come back here, knowing that Colby was this pissed at him?

Why has he been skulking outside of the house?

"Let him go." Colby demanded.

Sam dropped Elias's arms but stayed close to him. Elias did nothing but stand there, head down, looking defeated.

"Why are you here?" Colby asked, same demanding tone.

Elias didn't reply, just stood there, still looking down.

"Elias, I'm giving you more of a chance than I should and you're really trying my patience. LOOK AT ME!" Colby roared the last line out, shaking the walls of the house.

A terrified squeak escaped my throat out of my control. Katrina, who had been standing away from everyone over by the back wall, came and sat next to me on the couch. I could feel her trembling as her arm came around me, trying to offer comfort.

She was just as scared as I was. We knew that they wouldn't hurt us, but just to see this much anger radiating off of them...it reminded us of that part of them that we didn't really get to see, but was always lurking under the surface. Sam wasn't speaking yet, but he was in full vamp mode too, just as much anger coming off of him.

I could feel it. The necklace was dulling it, I was sure, but it was more intense than Elias's sadness had been. My head was pounding from the force of it.

I knew that if I took off the necklace, I might pass out from the sheer force of it. Elias had raised his head, his eyes meeting Colby's. He jerked back under his intense glare, and Sam grabbed his arms, twisting.

I guess he thought that he was trying to run, or maybe rush Colby. I don't know. Elias, grunted under the force but didn't try to fight back.

Colby darted to him so fast, I thought he was about to kill him right then, and I let out a short scream. Colby stopped right in front of Elias, and glanced over at me, his black eyes shining with rage. As he looked at me, I saw a little of the anger leave, a little bit of control come back, but his eyes stayed black.

He turned away from me and grabbed Elias by the jaw, forcing him to look him in the eyes.

"Why. Did. You. Come. Back? I didn't call you. I didn't say that you could. Why? Do you want to die?"

I remembered the feeling of utter despair that I felt earlier. The feeling that I didn't deserve to live, that I just wanted to die, that everyone would be better off without me. That's what he was feeling.

That's why he came back. He wanted to die.

"That's exactly what he wants." I replied softly.

All three vampires shot their gazes to me. If I hadn't expected it, I might have hid underneath the cushions.

As it was, I steeled myself against their angry black gazes, and Elias' deathly sad one.

"I felt it earlier. He doesn't want to live anymore. He's crushed."

Elias' face screwed up, and dry sobs left his throat, wracking his entire body. I watched as both Sam and Colby's black eyes faded back to their brilliant blue, concerned but bewildered looks on their faces as they looked back to Elias.

"This doesn't change anything. Whatever happened, you still betrayed me. Betrayed us. Betrayed this family. But what could be so bad that you came back here?" His voice still hard, but I could hear the concern for his lost friend behind it.

"They took Jade." Elias wailed, clenching his fists tightly, the look of anguish on his face cutting me to the soul.

Is that what Colby felt like when he thought he lost me? He had told me that Elias had found his One, his Forever.

"Who took her?" Sam asked, his voice a little softer than Colby's but not much.

"The Council. They found out about my dealings with Millie. I think Aza may have turned me in anonymously. Out of spite maybe, I don't know. He's the only one that I can think of that might have known where I was hiding out with her."

"How would he know?" Colby asked.

Elias shrugged, defeat still hanging in his lanky shoulders.

"I made friends with one of his clan while I was there. The guy, Xander, he made sure that Jade got decent meals, and that I got a few blood bags. He helped us out. I don't believe that he would've ratted us out but I guess I was wrong."

Colby glared at him. "Yeah, you just don't know who you can trust anymore."

Elias sucked in his breath, then blew it back out forcefully. "Colby, brother, I didn't want to betray you! They had Jade! I told you already, they-"

Colby got right in his face and screamed.

"SHUT UP! You could've said something. You could've figured out a way! I would've done it for you!"

Elias got the sad look back on his face, then glanced at me.

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