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I didn't reply yet, trying to push it all out, let Devyn have everything.

"It's working." Devyn's voice broke my concentration and I opened my eyes, meeting her gaze.

Her sweet, understanding, hazel eyes.

I dropped my hand and smiled, just as she did.

"Thank you Chloe. So much. I feel normal again."

"Can I let you go?" Corey asked, grinning a little as he placed his chin on her shoulder. "You're not going to try and eat anyone?"

She leaned her head back and grinned widely at him. "No, I'm not going to try and eat anyone. I feel great. The hunger is still there but it's not in the front of my mind. It's like I feel it, but just barely."

He nodded, but looked at me. "Can you feel her?"

I placed my hand back on Devyn's arm for a second, registering the difference between her feelings and my own, before meeting Corey's gaze again. "I can. She's fine. It feels like it's one of you guys. The hunger is there, but it's controlled,a dull ache."

He eased his arms away from her, keeping his watchful eyes on her for any sudden movements. I knew she was okay, in control. I could feel it.

I turned back to Sam and smiled.

"I think I'm getting the hang of that part."

He grinned back. "I'd say so. Want me to put your necklace back on?"

I nodded. "Yes please." I replied, turning back around and moving my hair.

He reattached it around my neck and the extra feelings diminished as the amulet settled in between my breasts.

"I love you Katrina. I'll be home as soon as I can." Sam said, as he once again lifted me up into his arms with ease.

"I love you Samuel. I'm gonna murder you if you get hurt or killed so be careful." Her statement was said jokingly, but I could hear the worry in her voice.

I waved over his shoulder to her, and she blew me a kiss. Then the wind was hitting me so hard that I had to shut my eyes against it. My hair was whipping around my face so hard, it was leaving a stinging trail wherever it hit.

It didn't take long, thankfully, to get to wherever we were going. Sam set me down on my feet, holding me steady while I waited for my stomach to catch up with my body. I think we left it somewhere close to the house.

It took me a minute but eventually, I was able to stand without his help. Everyone was with us, except Aryia, Kevin, Kat, and Jade. We had Jake and Tara, Corey and Devyn (who looked like she was about to burst from excitement, bouncing on the heels of her feet) Mike, Elton, and even Elias had decided to come back.

That said a lot about him. He nodded at me with a small smile when he noticed me looking at him.

Sam grabbed my upper arms turning me towards him.

"Chloe, you have to do what I say in there. It's not safe for you. It's really stupid of me to bring you and Colby's probably going to kill me, but you didn't leave me much of a choice."

I grinned freely at him. Damn right I didn't. He didn't find it funny though because he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm serious. You are a human, literally walking into a nest of vampires. Very old, very crafty vampires who rule the underworld of LA. They keep humans as their pets to feed on when they want. But you. You're a witch and they'll be able to smell it on you. Your powers have grown. I didn't know you were a witch when we first met. I couldn't smell it. Now I can. It's gotten stronger since you blew me across the room and helped Devyn even. As soon as you enter this building, we will be confronted. I need you to do what I say, when I say it. Got it?" He was dead serious, his demanding tone and intense blue eyes scaring me a little.

I nodded and gulped. Maybe this was more than I could handle. I shook that feeling off quick.

It didn't matter. I would do anything for Colby. Whatever it took.

Sam stared at me, like he was trying to make sure that I meant it.

He nodded back, then swooped me up in his arms again, making me gasp.

"I need you to pretend to be passed out. Do NOT move until I give you the signal. Understand?"

I shook my head. "What's the signal?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes.

"I was getting to that. They'll hear me if I whisper so I'm just going to go with wrapping my hand around your wrist. Okay?" I nodded. "Good. Pass out now."

I let my body go limp, my face slack as my arms hung from my body.

They swayed with each step Sam took.

"Let's go."

It took everything I had not to open my eyes to take in my surroundings. It was actual torture. I smelled cigars and a coppery scent that I knew was blood.

There had to be a lot around for me to actually be able to smell it. My stomach turned with that thought.

"We need to see the Council." I heard Sam say, his tone authoritative.

"You have a witch." A deep, dark voice that I didn't recognize said.

"I do. I'm here to present her to the Council as trade for our Clan Leader. She's unconscious. Poisoned."

There was silence for a moment, before I heard a door squeaking open, then felt Sam walking.

He stopped abruptly saying "Hey!" and I heard more jumbled voices, then the original deep voice explaining what Sam was doing with a witch.

"This isn't a good idea Jarvis. The Council won't like this." A female voice broke through.

"She's unconscious Peter. Plus, it's not like she can do anything anyways. Witches need to perform rituals to hurt us. She obviously can't do that here. Just let them up."

There was some grumbling but then Sam gave a soft "thank you" and we continued moving.

I felt like we were going downstairs which would fit the vampire theme so well. That thought would have made me laugh if my heart wasn't in my throat and I wasn't so worried about Colby.

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