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We lay like that for a few moments. I was glad because I need a few minutes to find reality again. It felt like my soul had left my body and was on some astral plane of complete ecstasy.

Colby eventually lifted his head and looked at me, raising himself up.

"Are you okay? Because that almost killed me so it had to be so much more intense for you."

I smiled lazily at him. "I'm good. I'm great actually. Can't move but great."

He smiled, a soft slow smile, then rolled over to the other side of the blanket. Without him covering me, I was actually getting a little cold. He got up and tossed me my clothes, then put his on.

"So, you wanna see what I brought for you to eat?" He asked.

The moment he mentioned food, I realized that I was ravenous.

When was the last time that I had eaten? I swear hanging out with vampires was going to make me forget that I was human and had basic human needs.

"Yes please." I answered, pulling my shirt on over my head. "I'm starving." I finished putting my clothes on and watched as he laid everything out on the foot of the blanket.

First, he brought out 2 champagne glasses, and a bottle of very expensive looking pink champagne. Then came a plastic wrapped bowl of varied cubed cheese, a tray of Club crackers, spring rolls, and a brown box with a string tied around it.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at the box.

"Wait and see." was the only reply I got.

I laughed when he pulled out the last items. A container from Chicken Salad Chicks, and a bag from Taco Bell. He looked sheepish when he smiled and set the items down on the blanket.

"I just thought, since these were the only foods that you have eaten when we went out, that it would be...romantic, I guess." He kept his gave averted, seeming embarrassed by his act of sentimentalism.

"It is." I replied, scooting closer and placing my hand over his. "Thank you for this." I swept my arm out, indicating everything. "For all of this. It's amazing. You're amazing." He glanced at me and smiled, a sweet smile, his blue eyes burning just for me. "You know that I'm not going to be able to eat all of this though, right?"

He laughed a little. "Yeah, I know, but at least you'll have options."

"I wanna know what's in the box." I said, grabbing it and setting it in my lap.

He nodded at me with a grin.

"Go ahead. Remember that I don't cook so they might not be pretty, but I tried. Had Devyn help me. Thought you would like it."

I bit my lip looking at him, my heart exploding again from how damn sweet this was. How sweet he was. A very different man from the one that I first met in that garage a few months ago.

I untied the string, and opened the box, a smile so large forming on my face, I swear my cheeks almost cracked.

"Did you make these?" The box was filled with chocolate brownies.

All different kinds, from fudge, to white chocolate mix, to turtle caramel swirl. I could tell that they weren't professionally made, or even just made by someone who knows their way around the kitchen. They were different sizes, some of them cracking and breaking off, the swirls more of globs instead.

They were the most beautiful brownies that I had ever seen in my life. He nodded again, avoiding my gaze, and filling up the champagne glasses with bubbly liquid. I set the box down gently, feeling tears pricking my eyes again.

For some reason, I wasn't feeling his emotions as strong as I was before, but they were still there, teasing at my heart, letting me feel some of it. He was embarrassed and proud, but also scared that I wouldn't like it. I got on my knees, and leaned up next to him.

"Colby, babe." He looked up meeting my gaze and I took his face in my hands. "This is the sweetest, most romantic, most thoughtful thing that anyone has ever done for me. Besides biting a witch and getting sick, this is it."

He laughed a little, looking unsure, and I felt a tear trickle down the side of my cheek. "Really?" He asked.

I nodded, feeling my face screw up with all of the emotion that I was feeling.

"Absolutely. I'm so impressed. I didn't know that you had it in you Brock."

He leaned forwards and pressed his lips softly against mine. "I lost it. But you helped me find it again. Helped me find myself. This is my way of saying thank you and I love you Chloe."

I melted, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his neck. His arms came around me, and we just held each other. After a moment, my stomach let out a furious growl.

I giggled, and Colby pulled back.

"Maybe you should eat?" He said grinning.

"Yeah, maybe."

We sat on the blanket next to each other, him talking while I ate. He told me about his life before he was turned. About his dogs, and his family.

How he and Sam used to do crazy things, like exploring haunted places, and climbing abandoned buildings. How the cops used to chase them out, or homeless people would scare them.

"Wow." I replied, covering my food filled mouth. "That sounds amazing. Like so much fun."

He nodded, his smile one of reminiscing. "It was. I miss it." There was a longing to his voice that broke my heart a little.

"You can still do that stuff. Better even because you won't kill yourself. Why don't you?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. We just stopped. After everything that happened when we turned...Sam asked me a couple of times, but I always turned him down. I was such an asshole, and I didn't think that I deserved to do anything that might make me happy, after what happened to Emilie."

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