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"She can kick all of our asses."

Sam chuckled along with the rest of the group while I blushed. "You're right. She's already blasted me a couple of times. Remind me to never piss her off again."

"Sam! I said I was sorry!" I replied, exasperatedly.

"I know Chloe, I'm kidding. Kind of." He turned back to Colby. "That's awesome. I didn't know this was possible."

Colby shook his head, and squeezed me tighter to him. "We didn't either."

"This is some crazy shit brother." Jake said in a hushed tone, staring at me like I was a lab rat.

Tara jumped up and down a little in her seat.

"My bitch is the best of both worlds! She's a bad bitch! Hell yeah!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm. She always knew how to make me feel better.

"This is...weird...but so cool. This kind of solves the witch/vamp relationship thing, huh?" Mike asked.

"Probably. We were going to work on that anyways, since they put us on the Council. One of our top priorities. This feud is stupid anyways, and the witches could honestly help us, instead of going behind our backs working with Aza." Colby sighed and leaned back. "This is probably going to destroy my so called relationship with him. He was working with Hillmond, corrupting our laws and policies from the inside. I can't approve of that." He shook his head and looked at Sam. "Can we actually do this?"

Sam leaned over and put his hand on his shoulder. "As usual Brother, we're in this together. We can do anything as long as we have each other. Sam and Colby vs the world, remember?"

I couldn't help but tear up a little at their relationship. It was honestly the sweetest, most powerful thing that I had ever seen. After everything that they had been through, I had no doubt that they were stronger together, and they had this.

Colby's lips curved up on one side and he nodded.

"You're right. We got this. Thanks man."

Sam nodded, and leaned back. "So, we have one more thing to discuss."

Colby grimaced. "Who's gonna take over the clan...yeah, I know. I've been thinking about it, but I haven't really made a decision. With everyone here going into the Guard...that's a hard choice to make."

"I agree, but we have to do it." Sam replied.

"I know...we have a little while though before we have to make it official. Let's give it a little more thought."

Sam nodded, and leaned back. "So what else is going on with you?" I noticed he was looking at me.

"Who, me?" I asked in surprise.

He laughed.

"No Chloe, the other witch in the room. Yeah, you. How are you feeling about all this? About what's going on with us. Hell, and with you. It's a lot for one person to take in."

I shrugged. "I don't really know. Melanie taught me meditation, so that's helping me sort of keep it in one corner of my mind so that it doesn't overwhelm me. I think I'm getting used to everything being way more than I thought though. Seems to be a pattern." I replied wryly.

Colby chuckled deeply, and tightened his arm around my waist for a second.

"Are you okay with us being on the Council?"

I nodded, looking at Sam like he was crazy. "Why wouldn't I be? If that's what you guys want to do, I think it's an amazing opportunity."

He looked down for a second then back to me. "What do you think about representing the witches? Passing information between them and the vamps?"

I felt the shock on my face.

"Whoa, Sam! That's a big thing and she isn't even comfortable with being a witch, or part vampire. Why would you ask that so soon?"

Sam shrugged, still looking at me as Colby questioned him. "Because, like you said, Chloe's a bad bitch, and can you think of anyone better fit for the job? We need an advocate for the Witches. I'm thinking even a seat on the Council when the issues involve the Witches. She'd be perfect, and you know it."

Colby glared at him, but didn't reply. He just sat back further into the bean bag, and looked thoughtful, glancing at me.

"Seriously?" I asked, my gaze bouncing from one to the other.

Sam nodded, and grinned.

"Yeah. If you're up for it. I get it if you aren't ready for something like that, but it'll be a little while before we even get it set up. We haven't had our initiation ceremony yet or anything. That's tomorrow night by the way." He said, looking at Colby. "They have everything ready. Our Guard, personal Guard, and our Ones are allowed to come but that's it. The clan can't come since it's an official thing or whatever."

Colby's mouth dropped a little, and he ran his hand through his hair. "Christ, they work fast. Okay, I guess. You mind missing a little more work? I'll make sure you don't get into trouble and that no one asks any questions." The last part was directed to me.

I had honestly forgotten that I was supposed to even be going back to work again.

This job wasn't really working but vampire witch or not, I was a writer first.

"Yeah, I guess that's fine. Wish I could just work from here. It would be so much easier."

His fingers came up, grasping his jaw and running his fingers along the outline. "Hmmm, that's a thought. I can make that happen actually."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you can. I don't know why we didn't think of it before."

He grinned widely, his cheeks pushing up and his dimple popping out.

God, but he was beautiful.

"Me either. But we never do things the easy way, huh?"

I smiled back and scooted sideways in his lap, leaning back to kiss his cheek. "Never. Where's the fun in that?"

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