35 (Mature)

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This will be one of my usual graphic smut chapters. It will contain highly detailed sexual activity. If that offends you or you don't like it, DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. You have been warned. Now, on with the fun stuff!

I kicked my shoes off beside it and lay back, my arm behind my head, looking at the sky.

"It's such a beautiful night." I said softly.

Colby set the basket down on the side of the blanket and kicked his own shoes off before lying down next to me.

"It really is." He replied.

The night sky was littered with stars that we usually couldn't see with the city lights and the pollution, but it was clearer up here in the mountains. The sky was an inky almost black blue, with dark shades of purple mixed in. The stars were scattered through out it, causing a masterpiece above our heads.

It was breathtaking.

"I haven't seen a sky like this in a while." Colby said, sighing in contentment.

"Me either." I replied, rolling over next to him and resting my head on his chest.

His arm came around me, and started stroking my hair. I leaned my face up to look at him.

"I love you, you know that? Thank you for always being here." I whispered to him.

The words that he always said to calm me flashed through my mind.

"It's okay baby girl, I'm here." And he was here.

He was always here for me. Never just forgetting about me, and moving on, even though he could obviously have any girl of his dreams. He kept choosing me. Helping me.

Saving me. Being here with me. His lips turned up slightly on one corner.

"I will always be here, as long as you'll have me." He replied.

"Forever then?" I asked, nudging his cheek with my nose so that I could kiss his jawline.

That jawline kills me.


He turned his head a little, causing me to look up and see what was wrong.

He took my face in his hands, forcing me to hold his gaze.

"Chloe, thank you for accepting me for who I am. You've never asked me to change who I am, not even to be less of an asshole. You just showed me how and made me want to be better. Thank you for never giving up on me and for making me think that I'm worth something. That I'm more than just a monster."

I felt the tears prick my eyes as the emotions started swimming in my chest again, mine and his. He looked into my eyes another second and then brought his lips to mine, softly at first, like he was kissing me for the first time. Exploring every detail about my lips with his own.

I felt his tongue swipe over my bottom lip, and I opened to him, allowing him access to take me further into this amazing spiral of emotions. I couldn't separate my feelings from his but it was okay. They were both intense, and overwhelming, and making it hard for me to breathe with how tight my chest was...but it was also amazing, and sweet, and the best, most intense feeling that I've ever had in my life.

Colby rolled over on top of me, releasing my mouth as he latched onto my neck, nipping and kissing his way underneath my jaw, to the sensitive skin beneath my ear. His need for me, the lust, mixed with everything else had me wanting to rip his clothes off right then. The way I was feeling, I believe that I could have done it.

I felt super sonic, like I could do anything. My hands came up to his back, sinking my nails into his flesh, since he had never put a shirt on. He let out a guttural moan against the skin of my neck, and nipped down harder than before.

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