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His blue eyes were burning into mine, taking my breath away. Then I felt it. Even with the necklace, his love for me was swelling up in my chest, mixing with my own.

That's how strong it was and I felt the tears prick my eyes again. I still felt the sadness from whoever it was, but not as bad, and now this was overtaking even that.

"I wouldn't have a life without you. This isn't your fault. All couples go through things." His lips turned up at the corners just a bit. "Maybe our things are a little more complicated but we'll manage, just like we have been doing. It's all worth it, as long as I get to keep you. Don't you understand that?"

I blew out the breath that I hadn't realized that I was holding, and nodded. "I do. I just hate that you have to always deal with this stuff. I feel the same way Colby. I love you and I would rather face hell everyday with you, than have a normal life without you."

He grinned and leaned over, pressing his lips to mine. As usual, my heart started racing my hands found their way to his hair, clinging to it. He deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing with mine perfectly, his hands gripping my hips.

"Hey Broth- oh sorry." Sam opened the door without knocking.

Colby broke away from me, his eyes narrowed.

"You can't say you didn't know what we were doing Sam. Vampire. You knew. What is so important that you had to interrupt me?"

Sam cracked a grin. "I just think it's funny to piss you off sometimes. It soothes my soul, if I have one." Colby growled at him, but Sam just laughed. "I was thinking about you saying that Chloe can feel someone's extreme sadness around here. Maybe it's not in the house. Is it stronger inside, or outside?" He directed the question to me.

I shrugged.

"I didn't really notice. It was strong outside and inside, but less strong up here."

Sam nodded. "Okay, so definitely ground level. Maybe it's outside though, or in another house."

I shook my head. "You live in a neighborhood full of humans. None of their emotions can be as strong as what I felt. That was definitely a vampire. Whoever it is, is still around. I still feel it."

Sam pursed his lips thinking. "Hmm. Colby, maybe we should check the grounds, and surrounding areas. Make sure there isn't anyone around. Maybe it's someone being forced to betray us again. You never know."

Colby's shoulders sagged, and he heaved out a breath. "God, I hope not. It's always something." He kissed me quickly, then stood up, starting to walk out with Sam.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, standing up as well.

They both turned back, eyebrows raised.


I walked over to them, and stood back on one leg, putting my hand on my hip. "I'm going too."

Colby shook his head. "No, you're not. We don't know who could be out there or what they want. It might not be safe for-"

I interrupted him.

"You and Sam will keep me safe. I'm going. You won't be able to tell who it is without me anyways. You need me for this."

Sam tapped his chin, looking at me with admiration. "You know, you'd make a good vampire if you weren't already a witch."

Colby's eyes shot to his, giving him a death glare.

I almost laughed.

"Relax baby, did you think that I didn't expect you to at least tell Sam? It's fine."

He looked back at me, relief in his eyes. "I'm sorry. Just had to get it off my chest."

I nodded, and leaned up to kiss the corner of his lips. "It's fine. Now can we go?"

He eyed me warily for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "Fine. Let's go. But you listen to me and do whatever I tell you to do. Understand?"

I rolled my eyes at his leadership voice. "SIR YES SIR!" I yelled out, snapping my hand up to my forehead in a salute.

He did not look amused.

"Smart ass." He replied, before taking my hand.

We walked downstairs, and stopped.

"I should take the necklace off." I replied, hesitantly.

Didn't really wanna do that but I knew that I would have to.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Colby asked, looking at me with worry in his eyes.

I nodded.

"Whoever that is, is in serious pain. We have to help them."

Both of the guys gave me a soft grin.

"You have such a good heart." Colby said softly, looking down into my eyes.

I blushed from his gaze and the compliment, and turned around so that he could undo the chain for me. I felt his fingertips brush my skin, and I shivered. Goosebumps popped out along my flesh where he let the pads of his fingers linger, before placing a soft kiss against the back of my neck.

Would I always have this reaction to him? Probably. As soon as the amulet wasn't touching me anymore, I almost doubled over with the pain in my chest, and the churning in my stomach.

"Oh my God!" I gasped out, grabbing Colby's arm for support to keep from falling.

"Let me put it back on. We'll figure out who it is another way. This is too much for you." He said, trying to put the chain back around my neck.

I snatched away from him breathing hard.

"No." I said breathlessly, holding my hand to my chest. "Let's just hurry."

He bit his lip, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

I guess he saw that I wasn't going to change my mind, so he nodded slightly in agreement.

"Okay. Let's start in the garage."

He took my hand, darting glances at me every few seconds to see if I was okay. I wasn't but I was trying. Each step felt like I was weighed down with every bad thing that I had ever done in my life, or anything that I had ever felt guilt over.

It was the worst feeling that I had ever felt. Sam opened the garage door, and we filed inside. The only ones here were Kevin, Aryia, Elton, Corey, and Devyn.

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