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Colby promised that he would figure it out and that we would be together. Colby didn't break his promises. I would have to learn to let someone else be in control sometimes.

Devyn was turning. Tonight.

Did that mean that we would have to avoid her, or they would have to keep her locked up for a few days until she could control the urge to kill us? My brain kept flipping between these two things. Finally, my headache eased off and I got up to pull a pair of my little black shorts on to join the girls in Devyn's room.

Tara yells at me to come in before I even reach the door. I smiled to myself and shook my head as I opened it and walked inside.

"It's about time you got your lazy ass up! You sleep later than the vampires and that's saying something." She said.

I rolled my eyes and sat down where Kat had just scooted from.

"I might've drank too much last night. Had a blast though."

"Yeah, we noticed." Devyn laughed out, the other girls joining in.

I looked at them, my eyes wide.

"Oh God, what did I do?"

Kat laughed harder, and shook her head. "Let's just say that you had a great time dancing. Colby just had to keep pushing your hands away."

I scrunched my face up, trying to remember what they were talking about. "I don't know what you're talking about. I remember dancing, just like everyone else. Why did he have to push me away?"

"This is gold." Tara replied, laughing again.

She leaned over and put both of her hands on either side of my face.

"Sweetie, you were trying to strip him and yourself in the middle of the room. You weren't taking no for an answer. From the look of things, he took you upstairs to finish what you started."

I blushed hard. "I don't remember that at all. I was so drunk, all I remember is him helping me change and then putting me to bed."

"Aw, that's so sweet, cuz he had to be hard up. You were relentless." Kat said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I hid my face in my hands and groaned.

"Wow, I shouldn't be allowed to drink so much. It's hazardous for everyone around me."

They got a good laugh out of that.

"I don't know, I enjoyed the show." Tara replied, wiggling her eyebrows at me when I looked up.

"Shut up." I said, slapping her leg.

I glanced at Devyn who was looking at me with a soft smile.

"So Dev, are you ready for tonight? Colby mentioned it..."

She shrugged and looked away. "I think so. I'm scared and I'm nervous...but I want this." Her eyes came back to meet mine. "I don't know if I actually want to be a vampire...but I do know that I want Corey. Forever. If this is how I get that, then this is what I'll do. Besides, the perks aren't bad and Corey won't have to worry about hurting me anymore. I think I'll miss him feeding on me though." She shrugged and blushed. "That's such an intimate thing and we wont be able to do that afterwards."

A thought occurred to me. "But you're Corey's One. When you turn, he can't feed from you anymore, and they don't like using blood bags all the time. Plus it's not really good for them to do that. How does that work if he can't feed on anyone else?"

They all smiled at me sympathetically like I was a lost puppy.

"I forgot how much you missed when you were in the coma. We had a meeting about this because I wondered the same thing. When I turn, it'll be like I died. So the vampire will be able to feed on others again. When the vampire's One actually dies, then he or she doesn't even think about feeding on someone else because they go crazy with grief. They're able to, they just don't. With this, Corey will still have me. He just won't have my blood. He said he's going to miss it. I think it tastes different to them, coming from someone they love like that. Makes them stronger too. But he wants me forever more than he wants my blood." She looked down as the sweetest smile crossed her face, and played with the ring on her middle finger.

I chewed my lip, thinking about what was going to happen in a few short hours.

"Is it going to hurt?" Kat asked, looking worried.

"It will, but you won't notice most of it. Your subconscious will block most of it out. I remember when I turned. At first, I thought it was unbearable but then I ended up in my old home with my family, just having dinner and talking. It didn't feel like a dream but that's basically what it was." Tara said, looking off into the distance. "When I woke, everything was heightened, intense, and I was terrified. I didn't have anyone to really help me through it." She put her hand on Devyn's shoulder. "But you will. You have all of us. Except these two. You're gonna have to stay away from them for a couple of weeks. You know, so you don't eat them."

Devyn's eyes went a little wide and she laughed nervously. "Don't let me do that Tara."

Tara laughed, and patted her arm. "I won't I promise."

"Yeah, thanks for that." I replied. "How are we going to do that anyways? How are you guys going to make sure that she doesn't kill anyone?"

"I'll be chained up. In here. Corey will bring me pe- um fresh blood, and start working with me on my control automatically. Hopefully, it doesn't take longer than a couple of weeks."

I nodded, biting down on my lip. "Do you think...with me being a witch...can I still turn? If I wanted to, in the future I mean."

No one said anything for a moment, but Tara sort of narrowed her eyes at me a little, like she was thinking.

"Honestly Chloe, I have no idea. That's something for the Council to tell us...and I know that's not really possible right now. Plus, the Council will know about you being a witch then."

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