10 (Colby's POV)

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I didn't reply but felt the same way. Wonder what he was sick with. A few minutes later, the witch returned to the door, closed it behind her and walked out to meet us.

"What's your name?" I asked, when she got close to us.

She looked surprised by my question.

"Uh Rachel, why?"

I shrugged. "Just didn't wanna keep calling you That Witch. What's wrong with the kid?"

She looked between Sam and I, pondering something, before she let out a heavy breath. "We aren't sure. He was doing a ritual with us. A big one. You know that we mess with some dark things. He messed up, and something dark got inside of him. It's killing him, rotting his body from the inside out."

I felt my fists ball up by my side involuntarily. "He's just a kid. Half of them are. Why would you let them participate in things like this?" I asked angrily.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Because this is our life. They chose to become part of this. They chose to be part of this family."

I scoffed at her. "Family? How the fuck is this a family?"

"Colby!" Sam grabbed my arm, trying to get me to shut up, but seeing that kid fucked up like that...I couldn't stop.

"This is some sort of evil, demonic shit. This isn't a family. You suck the life out of the people and world around you, just to make yourselves happier. If it's a family, then you need some serious therapy."

Rachel was glaring at me like she was deciding whether or not I was worth keeping around. "That isn't any of your business. Everyone here knew what they were getting into. It was their choice. Now do you want to save your girlfriend, or not?"

I ground my teeth together, holding her glare with one of my own. Fuck. She was right.

I didn't force these kids into this and it wasn't my concern. I just needed to be worried about Chloe.

"Fine." I growled out. "How is this gonna work?"

Rachel nodded, a small smile crossing her lips. "Melanie will go with you to your house to perform the ritual. She will bring everything she needs from here. She will need some of Chloe's blood too, just so you know." She looked at me questioningly and I nodded my affirmation. "She will tell you how to set up and everything. After it is complete, you and your friend," She nodded to Sam, "will come back here and feed on Melanie to right before she is dying, then heal her with your blood. Both of you."

"Okay, we got it. Where's Melanie?"

"Back at the fire, cleaning up probably. You can just get her and leave, but I will be waiting for you. Bring her back, unharmed."

I rolled my eyes. "Why would we harm her? She's helping us."

The witch smiled, but it wasn't a sweet one.

It was dark and sinister.

"If things don't go the way you want...it isn't her fault. You know the risks of messing with dark magic. You take the responsibility."

I furrowed my brow. "What does that mean?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Hopefully, you won't have to find out."

"Let's go." Sam said, pulling at my arm.

"Wait, what does that mean?!" I yelled at the witches back as she turned and walked back to the cabin.

She ignored me.

"Fucking hell, why are witches such bitches?!"

"Come on, it doesn't matter. She's just being cryptic, like they always are. Let's get Melanie and go wake up Chloe."

I ran with him back to the fire, finding Melanie cleaning up the remains of the bird.

"Hello. Is it time?"

Sam nodded at her. "Yeah, we're ready to go."

She smiled and held both hands out towards us. "Then let's go. Where's your car?"

"Ah fuck." Sam replied. "We didn't bring it. We ran. We'll have to carry you."

"That's fine with me. It's been a while since I was in a man's arms. Which one of you are going to do it?" Her eyes flicked from me to Sam, roaming our bodies.

Sam pointed to me, and I just raised my eyebrows.

"Your girl is asleep. Mine is waiting at the house, fully awake. Not trying to get staked tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "But it's fine that you're gonna be sucking on her neck. Whatever. Come on." I held my hand out to the girl, and she took it.

She looked kind of familiar, but I don't think that I had ever fed on this one. I picked her up in my arms, bridal style, and her arms came up around my neck.

"Never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I saw you around." She said, looking up at my face.

I ignored her and looked at Sam.


He nodded and we took off back to the house. When we made it to the house, I dropped the girl unceremoniously to her feet, hearing her breath huff out.

"That was...interesting." She said, her voice shaky.

"Yeah, takes some getting used to." I replied, remembering the first time that I had run with Chloe in my arms.

It was just from upstairs to downstairs, but I remembered catching her when she almost fell afterwards. The way her soft skin felt against mine, and the look in her hazel eyes as she met my gaze, her hands gripping my arms to steady herself.

Damn it.

"Come on."

I walked inside the house, Sam and the girl following. We headed straight upstairs to my room, to Chloe. I opened the door, and found Katrina asleep on the couch.

I wish I could say that she looked peaceful but that was far from the truth. This whole thing with Chloe was tormenting her, even in her sleep. Her forehead was creased, her lips drawn down into a small frown, and her face was tear streaked.

I don't think she had stopped crying since this had happened. Sam pushed past me, and scooped her up in his arms.

"Gonna take her to my room." He whispered, then walked out.

I led Melanie over to the bed where Chloe was.

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