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My arms were around his neck, his hands under my thighs, supporting my weight, as our lips moved perfectly together. I let my hands travel up to his hair, and bury themselves there. I got lost because everything just seemed so familiar and right.

Like home.

Then Sam cleared his throat.

"Uh, 'scuse me. My room. You should leave. I have...things to do."

Colby dragged his lips away from mine, and I honestly wanted to riot.

"Yeah, okay, my bad." He replied to Sam.

Now that I looked at him a little harder, Sam didn't look like he had slept in days either. Hell, months even.

Colby let my legs drop to the floor, and took my hand in his.

"See you guys tomorrow some time."

I saw Sam and Colby exchange some kind of look that I didn't understand, but I let it go. Hey, I was getting better at this. Maybe the coma made me more patient.

Oh who am I kidding? It won't last. I was already dying to know the secret, but I was trying so damn hard not to push.

Colby pulled me to the door, but I let his hand go and ran back to Kat quickly, giving her a hard hug.

She squeezed me back just as hard, and buried her face in my neck.

"I'm so glad you're back baby. I missed you so much."

I sniffed, trying to hold back my tears and laughed when I pulled back. "When did I get so sentimental? I don't remember that being part of who I am."

Kat laughed at me, and wiped the stray tear from her face, as Sam smiled at her. "You'll get over it soon enough. Must be a side effect." I rolled my eyes, and hugged her one last time. "We'll talk more tomorrow okay?" She said as I walked back towards Colby who held out his hand.

I took it, meeting his intense gaze as I did. It was amazing how someone could make you feel so important by just the look in their eyes. I had never experienced that with anyone before.

I noticed that the shadows under his eyes were less pronounced now.

How did that happen? We walked back to his room, and shut the door behind us.

He led me to the bed and sat down, pulling me down next to him.

"So are you more comfortable with me being your boyfriend now, since you remember a little?"

I smiled at him. "I don't really remember anything. I only remember an amazing kiss, that was very similar to the other three amazing kisses that I've had from you. Is it like that every time? Cuz I don't think I can handle it." I joked.

He smirked, a look of pride on his beautiful face.

"Yeah, every single time." He laced his fingers with mine and placed them on his lap, twisting the rings on my fingers. "So you remember everything with Katrina though?"

I nodded. "I do. It's weird because I remember her now, but I remember not remembering her." I shook my head. "This is so messed up. Is there anything else you can maybe tell me? Something that won't put me back into a coma?"

He chuckled a little and looked up to the ceiling. "We had great sex." He replied, looking back over at me and lifting his eyebrows for a second.

I blushed. Hard.

Probably looked like a damn tomato.

"Um, okay. We've had sex. Kind of wish I could remember that."

He leaned forwards and pressed his cool lips to my neck. "You will. And if you don't, I'll remind you."

I shivered a little as his cool breath passed over my skin. Coherent thoughts were flying out the window with each time that he pressed his lips to my skin.

"Shiiit." I stuttered out, as his mouth made it's way up to the sensitive skin below my ear.

He chuckled again and leaned back.

"What do you wanna know? I'll try to answer."

I took a deep breath, and rubbed my free hand on my pants, trying to collect myself. "Uh, hmm, I don't know. The secret?"

He shook his head quickly. "You're not ready for that yet. What else?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm stronger than you think. I really wish you guys would just tell me."

Colby sighed, and squeezed my hand. "Chloe, I know you're strong. One of the strongest women I've ever met. Even the strong ones can only handle so much before they break. Your brain actually broke and it was the scariest thing that I've ever experienced in my entire life. I watched you collapse, and I didn't know if you were ever going to wake up again. I didn't know if I would ever see you smile at me." He lifted his hand to my cheek, his thumb caressing under my eyes. "Or these eyes. I didn't know if I would ever get to look into them again. Or see the blush rise in your cheeks when I say something sexual. Like how much I would love to strip you naked and take you right now." Yep, the blush came back full force, the heat in my face flaming hot. "Yeah." He chuckled as he kissed my lips. "Just like that. I can't go through that again. I can't bare not having you in my life. I can't risk it. Can't you understand that?"

The look in his eyes was overwhelming as I shook my head.

"No, I can't because this whole thing is insane. How can I feel the way I feel about you when I don't even know you? How did you make me fall in love with you after a few days? How is all of this even real? Why do I know exactly what you're talking about, because I can't bare to live without you either?" I kind of started freaking out again, letting the annoyance of not knowing anything get to me. "How am I going to remember anything if you guys don't help me?"

He was quiet for a minute after my rant, just staring at me intensely. "You love me?"

I furrowed my brow at his question. "Huh?" I asked.

"You just said I made you fall in love with me. So you love me again." It was a statement this time, not a question.

"Ye-yes. I guess I do."

The smile overtook his entire face, blowing me away with how gorgeous he was.

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