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I wasn't sure that I could keep that promise. He sighed in relief.

"If they haven't contacted me by the time Halloween is over, I'll contact them." He gave me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Until then, let's get ready for this party!"

I smiled back at him, sure that mine looked about as genuine as his did, but he didn't comment on it. The girls and I told them what we had planned, and showed them the lists and notes on Devyn's laptop. We had even made a specific play list just for the party.

Since everyone's mood was at a normal level now, the amulet was working great. I could tell that the worry and anxiety that I felt about Halloween drawing closer belonged solely to me. I faked my excitement, and my smiles, not even feeling the usual flutter in my belly when Colby pulled me close to him.

Worry was all I felt, taking over my entire being. We hung out talking with the others for a while, until I looked out the window and saw the glow on the horizon. The sun was coming up.

I yawned, my body knowing that it was now my normal bedtime. I would've laughed at myself, if I wasn't so worried. Not even a vampire, but my sleeping schedule was to avoid the daytime.

I leaned over, wrapping my arms around Colby's neck.

"I'm going to go lie down for a few hours. I have to go back to work soon, so I'm going to set my alarm for 10. I'll get about 4 hours of sleep maybe. That way I can go to bed earlier tonight. Get back on a normal human schedule."

Colby gave me a little smirk. "You're anything but a normal human Love. But okay. Hey Guys, we're gonna go to bed."

We all said goodnight (goodday? this was confusing) and Colby and I headed to his room. We didn't speak as we got dressed for bed. Colby waited for me to climb into bed, gathering Prissy close to me.

She had started roaming the house now, and staying with Circa the majority of the time. The only time I got to spend time with her anymore was when I was going to bed, or waking up. Colby climbed in behind me, turning on his side, as I was, so that his bare chest was against my back.

His arm came around my waist, pulling me closer against him.

I sighed, and rubbed my face into my pillow.

"You have to stop worrying so much Love. I told you I'll handle it. I promise. Whatever happens, I'll figure out how to deal with it. I'm not going anywhere. No one can take me away from you. Not for long."

I closed my eyes against the tears that pricked my eyes, and pressed my lips together tightly. I couldn't answer him. If I did, a sob would escape my throat.

My body jerked with the effort of holding back my tears.

I heard Colby sigh into my ear, his head resting against my own.

"I love you Chloe. Get some rest Baby girl."

I took a shaky breath, steadying my voice. "I love you Colby."

The night was not peaceful. My sleep, if you could call it that, was restless. I felt like as soon as I would fall asleep, the nightmares would begin and I would jerk awake, only to stay awake reliving the dream over and over until I fell asleep to do it all over again.

In the nightmare, Colby and I were in bed, just spending time together, talking, when the door suddenly bursts open, and dozens of old vampires with black and red eyes stormed the room, ripping him from my arms. No matter how much I screamed or tried to hold on to him, they just kept dragging him away.

By the time my alarm went off, I was already awake, wiping the sweat from my forehead after waking from the nightmare for the 4th time. Today was going to be a long day. I turned gently onto my side, facing Colby.

His breathing was deep, his long lashes casting shadows over the darkness under his eyes. His face was so innocent when he slept. He just looked like a normal, carefree, 22 year old man, that still had his boyish features, his innocence.

I think that was part of the reason that I loved him so much. I know that the whole freaky vampire One thing said that I had to love him, but I honestly believe that I would have fallen in love with him regardless. His ability to be this hardcore leader, protective and authoritative, while still holding on to his youth, and being able to joke around with his friends, and act like a dork...yeah, I would have still fallen in love with him. Asshole or not.

I brushed his hair back from his foreheard and leaned over, pressing my lips against his for a second. His lips turned up a little at the corners, in his sleep, and I smiled. I crawled out from under his arm, changed, and grabbed my phone, before I headed downstairs to the living room.

When I got there, it was still empty since everyone else had the luxury of being able to sleep in. I know that I didn't have to work, but I wanted to. Maybe it could wait a little while longer though...at least until this current drama passed.

I shook my head. I had a feeling that there would always be some kind of drama. I called my boss, and left a message with Lillian that I would be back on Thursday.

Today was Tuesday so I would hopefully be able to get my sleeping back on track by then. She was excited to hear it, saying that she had missed me and hoped that I was doing okay. Didn't really have anything else to do, so I went back upstairs and grabbed my laptop, bringing it to the living room with me.

It had been a while since I had written anything anyways. Since my entire story was pretty much based off of mine and Colby's relationship, I decided to keep doing that. No one had to know it was real.

No one would believe it anyways. It was just a work of fiction.

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