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"You look amazing even when you're trying to look dead."

She smiled and looked him up and down. "Not so bad yourself Handsome."

Sam was dressed in a grey suit, with a blue tie, his blonde hair dyed dark, his cheekbones and eyebrows darkened. He stepped towards her, so I stepped around him.

"I'm gonna just go see if Colby's finished..." I let my voice trail off because when I looked back, they were so wrapped up in each other, they weren't paying attention to me anyways. "Okay then." I giggled quietly, and pulled the door closed behind me.

I didn't bother knocking because I knew that Colby heard me coming. I gasped when I opened his door.

"Oh my...God." I uttered out.

Colby stood there, in all of his Kingdom Hearts glory, his hair messier than usual, sticking out in various places. The thick silver chain with the heavy charm hung down perfectly over his red t-shirt. The outfit looked extremely good on him, which I never doubted, but what caught my eye after I finished ogling him was the giant keyblade that he held down by his side.

It was gigantic.

"What? When did you get that?"

He ran his hands through his hair, making it stick out even more, and gave me an embarrassed smile. "I've had it. It was in my closet. Thought it would be perfect for this."

I walked over to him and took it, holding it up to look at it. "This is actually amazing and more than perfect. I can't believe you just have this." I laughed out.

"Shut up." He said, taking the keyblade back. "You look..." His eyes roamed my body, almost making me feel naked in the little tank top and mini skirt. "Gorgeous and somehow cute and innocent. Wow..." His eyebrows went up, as his eyes still raked my body.

"Keep it in your pants love. We don't have time, and we still have to go separate Sam and Kat. Pretty sure they're gonna be-"

"Gonna be what?" Sam asked, as he busted the door open.

Kat's hair wasn't as perfect as it was before but she was dragging her hand through it, trying to fix it. Sam's makeup was a little smeared, but nothing bad.

"Late." Colby said, covering for me.

I just grinned.

"We need to hurry. Pretty sure the others are downstairs waiting very impatiently for us."

Sam cocked his head to the side listening, and smiled. "We're coming." He replied quietly.

We grabbed anything we might need to take with us, phones, purses, etc, and headed downstairs to join the others. We would be taking separate cars since everyone obviously wouldn't fit in Colby's. Corey would be driving Dev, Jake, and Tar, and Sam and Kat would ride with Colby and I.

The drive wasn't too long, but the skies were dark by the time we reached the place. I was excited but scared, the usual feelings that I have before haunted houses. My skin was tingling with anticipation.

"Why the hell is it so much fun to get scared?" I asked, climbing out of the car.

Colby laughed, as he and Sam walked around to our side to join us.

"It's the adrenaline rush." He whispered in my ear, making sure that his lips touched my skin. "The anticipation, the way your heart beats faster, knowing that something is about to happen...you just don't know what." His teeth closed down on my lobe, quickly and sharp, making me shriek and jerk away laughing.

The others had joined us by now and everyone was laughing.

I shook my head.


He shrugged, a smug little grin on his face. "Sometimes." He replied, holding his hand out to me.

I took it and we fell in line behind Sam and Kat, the others pulling up the rear. The line was already long but not as bad as it would be in another thirty minutes probably. We stood around talking and laughing, shrieking at the guys when they would try to scare us.

It was creepy out here. The area was surrounded by woods, with people in old fashioned clothes coming up to talk to us.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, a deep voice boomed through the speakers that were attached to the various light poles.

"We are extremely excited that you will be joining us for the annual Halloween festival. There will be plenty of games, live entertainment, and maybe a few frights because it's always Halloween here....Welcome....to Midnight Falls."

The speakers screeched as the transmission was cut and I grabbed my ears. I saw the vampires of the group grimace. It was probably way worse for them.

They ushered our group through the black curtains on the old wooden walkway eventually, telling us to go all the way to the front but don't go out the doors yet. It was open so we saw an actual tractor pulling an extra long trailer bed. I scoffed.

"Freaking hayrides. I told you." I said, pushing Colby's shoulder with the hand that wasn't locked in his.

"Just wait." He said, giving me a devilish grin.

I rolled my eyes. There was nothing scary about Hayrides. Not any of the ones that I had been on.

IF you see the occasional monster, they always just walked beside the trailer and looked at you. They weren't allowed on the trailer and it wasn't like they could chase you or anything on it.

"Can't we skip this part?" I whined as we trailed forwards, and piled into the trailer bed, one by one.

Colby and I sat closer to the back, Jake and Tara sitting beside us, while Sam, Kat, Corey, and Dev sat across from us.

"Chloe, just shut up and enjoy. You'll love it, I promise. Do I break my promises?" Colby asked, as he stared at me, his blue eyes burning into mine, even in the dark.

I shook my head.

"No, of course not. I'll try to be more patient." I huffed out, crossing my arms.

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