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I wondered if it would ever leave, or if something changed between us with that. Maybe I could go through that book that Melanie had given me.

"Okay. Enjoy your work love. Maybe get some writing done. Take your time." Colby said smiling at me gently.

I kissed him again quickly, then stood up.

"I'l see you guys later." I replied walking out the door.

I made my way back upstairs to my office, letting my fingers trail over the banister as I walked up the stairs. A smile crossed my face as I thought about my life. I had almost everything that I had ever wanted.

The love of my life, my best friend in love with his best friend. An amazing friend group that supported me no matter what and had my back. This house, this amazing home.

A great job...now it was time to work on the one thing that I didn't have. I sat down at my desk, and opened my laptop. I let out a sigh of contentment and rested my fingertips on the keys.

It felt like it had been forever since I had written anything...and there was so much to tell. As my fingers stared tapping against the keys, I let my mind escape inside the story, ignoring everything else around me. Prissy jumped up in my lap, distracting me for a moment, but it didn't last long.

I ran my hand through her fur for a second then resumed typing. I'm not sure how long I was inside the story...hours probably. I sat back and cracked my knuckles, squeezing them a little to relieve the small ache that had developed.

I still had to do the work for Mr. Roberts but I felt like I had made really good progress on the story. I was happy with it so far. There wasn't much left to tell now.

I was almost finished. I flipped the first page on the manuscript that Colby had set on my desk and started reading. It didn't take long for me to realize that this one wasn't going to make it.

If a story didn't get my attention after the first few pages, I usually wasn't interested, but with this job, I would give it till after the first chapter. This was bland and poorly written. I hated to be so judgmental about it, but it was my job, I guess.

My eyes were starting to blur, and a slight pain was starting behind my eyes. I looked up and noticed that the sun was staring to come up, peeking through the curtains. Maybe I was just tired.

I would give the manuscript another try tomorrow...or later today. Whatever. I crept down the hallway, making it to Colby's room.

I closed the door gently behind me, so as not to wake him. He looked so peaceful. Even had a small smile on his face.

He was happy. The usual slight grimace that stayed on his face, even in sleep, was gone, the innocence shining through. I laughed silently at that thought but that's what it was.

That joyful laugh, the kidding around with his buddies, the light in his eyes when we would joke around with each other. The snarky, hard ass was still there, and that was fine because that was who I had fallen in love with, but seeing this side of him being more prominent...it made my heart swell with so much love, just thinking about it. I felt the energy inside of me swelling along with it and it reminded me of something else.

I was so tired...but I had to read some of the book that Melanie had let me borrow. I walked to my dresser and knelt down to open the bottom drawer. The old book was right where I had placed it, sitting on top of my old clothes that I never wore unless I was cleaning, or something like that.

I pulled it out, then went and sat on the couch, opening it in my lap. It wasn't long before I got sucked in, reading about the history of the witches, the different kinds of witches, and even how each other had certain elements that they were stronger with. Finally, I came across the myth of the True Witch.

That was me, I guess.

"It was said that a witch born with pure blood, would fall in love and find her soulmate with a Vampire. This Vampire would be the strongest of his kind, but also with the strongest heart."

I looked over to Colby on the bed, noticing the way he was lying on his stomach, his cheek lying against his pillow, one arm up next to his face. He did have the strongest heart. After so much heartache that had occurred in his life, everything that he had to overcome before me, and then after...damn it, I loved him so much.

But how did this book know him?

Or me?

Why was my life revolving around fucking prophecies? I shrugged and went back to reading.

The last prophecy didn't turn out so bad for me, so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

"The True Witch will bond with the Vampire, becoming half of him. Once the bond has reached an inseparable point, their souls will connect. This will make the True Witch and her Soulmate the strongest they have ever been, feeding off of one another's energy. This will mean that the True Witch is ready to take her position as Head Witch, bringing peace to our kind."

What the fuck? I was kind of kidding when I thought that our souls connected. I mean, it felt different...amazing and unreal, like nothing I had ever felt before.

Pure, in a way.

But...who knew that was actually possible? I shook my head at myself.

Why does this stuff still surprise me?

We feed off of one another's energy...did that mean feeding from one another in general? This was confusing but I guess we would just learn as we go. We'd been figuring it out pretty well.

But the thing with taking over as Head Witch. That just wasn't in the cards right now. Nope.

Wasn't even comfortable being a witch, there was no way that I could lead thousands of them.

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