52 (Colby's POV)

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Chloe just raised her eyebrow at me, and waited for me to continue. So I did.

"There's a haunted house, a scary outdoor maze, and escape rooms." I saw her face light up with each word I said. "But I can find somewhere else, if you don't-"

"You better fucking not Colby!"

I started laughing at how insistent she was.

"That sounds like so much fun!!"

"I thought you didn't like getting scared." I replied, winking at her.

"I love haunted stuff. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Everyone always thought I was weird because I would always choose Halloween over Christmas, but Halloween was just..." She sighed, with a small smile on her face. "Halloween was full of mystical creatures, and magic. Things that no one believed in but wanted to be real. The scary part was always fun too." She shrugged and looked over at me. "I love to get scared when I'm prepared for it. NOT when someone wakes me up, screaming in my face."

I rolled my eyes to the side, and pulled into the driveway. "Don't know what you're talking about." I retorted, chuckling a little. "You gonna dress up tonight?"

Her face fell a little. "I don't have a costume. And Halloween is today. So I guess not. It'll be the first year that I don't."

We got out and walked towards the door.

"We still have a few hours before we need to leave. You have plenty of time to find a costume if you hurry. I'll go with you and we can match. Yeah?"

Her eyes lit up and she jumped into my arms, causing me to catch her before she fell.

"Really? You'll dress up with me? You don't think that's stupid, or like we're too old to do it?"

I shook my head and kissed her lips. "Hell no. I love to dress up for Halloween. I'll never stop. Plus, I'm not getting any older so who gives a fuck? Even if I were, I could be 80 and still dress up."

She giggled, and leaned in to kiss me again. "Thank you. I gotta go see what Kat is dressing up as or if she wants to. We haven't even thought about it with everything going on.." Her lips twisted a little as she thought about the upcoming turmoil we were probably going to have to face.

"Hey, let's not think about that tonight, okay?"

I opened the door, and sped up to my room, dropping her onto the couch, just as a shriek left her cute little mouth.

"Jesus!" She exclaimed breathlessly, pushing the hair out of her face.

I laughed again, and swatted her leg.

"Let's go talk to Sam and Kat. They're in Sam's room."

She huffed out a breath, and stood up. "You have seriously got to start warning me before you do that." She said quietly walking out the door, and over to Sam's door.

"Come on in guys." Sam yelled, before she had the opportunity to knock.

She rolled her eyes and opened the door, with me following behind her, grinning.

"What's up brother?" Sam said.

He and Katrina were sitting on his bed.

Kat looked up as we walked in.

"Oh my God, Chloe, thank God you're here! I need your help. I can't believe that I didn't think about it until now, but I need to get a costume. Or costumes. Have you already gotten yours? Why didn't you remind me??"

Chloe's eyes got wide as she tried to take in everything that Kat was saying. "Stop. I didn't remember either! I was coming to get you to see what you guys were doing, if anything."

Kat scoffed. "Of course we are. When have you ever known me not to dress up for Halloween? I just...forgot." Kat threw her hands up in disgust at herself.

Chloe nodded.

"Me too. Are you guys doing a couples costume? Cuz I was trying to think of something for me and Colby."

Kat nodded and picked up the laptop that she had just discarded when we walked in. "Yeah, I was scrolling through, trying to get some ideas, but you know that I won't know until I see it." She turned her head back up to Chloe.

It was like Sam and I weren't even in the room. We exchanged a grin with each other and continued to listen to them talk about the Halloween emergency.

"Shopping?" Chloe asked, tilting her head.

Kat smiled.

"Hell yes! Let's go. We have to hurry though. The Haunted Hayride thing starts in a few hours."

They rushed out the door, grabbing their purses on the way, while Sam and I just looked at each other.

"Are we supposed to follow them or...?" Sam asked, a confused look on his face.

I laughed.

"I'm not sure."

"Sam! Colby! Come on!" I heard Chloe yelling from downstairs.

I shrugged.

"Guess so."

We darted downstairs, and walked outside, finding the girls already piled into my car. Guess I'm driving. Sam and I piled in, and we headed towards Burbank, so we could hit Halloween Town Costumes.

Thankfully, they were still open. The girls hurried inside, while Sam and I trailed behind. We were excited to dress up too, but we knew that we weren't going to have too much  say in what we wore this year.

Strange. I remembered dressing all in pink last year and wearing pig ears.

Wonder what Chloe is going to make me wear?

She and Kat were already pushing costumes over on the racks at top speed, before I heard Chloe yell.

"YES! I think I've found it. Colby!"

I walked over to her, seeing a smile so big on her face, I would say yes to whatever it was, as long as that smile stayed there.

"What's up?" I asked, looking at the costumes on the rack.

"Okay, I had an idea but it's not going to work because we're so late. I wanted to do Sora and Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, only like dead or something so that it would be scary."

"I love that idea!" I exclaimed.

I actually did.

She smiled sadly and nodded.

"I knew that you would but we're too late."

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