3 (Colby's POV)

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"Wait." I repeated Aza's words.

So I waited. Chloe's breathing slowly returned to normal but she didn't wake up. She didn't die. She didn't become a vampire...but she didn't wake up.

I tried to keep myself busy for the next couple of days, running jobs with the other guys. I made sure that someone was always with her. Usually Katrina or Devyn.

Someone was always by her side. I wasn't there as much as I should have been but it made me physically sick to be in the room. I was starting to crave her blood more and more, no matter how many blood bags I sucked down.

So I stayed away. If I were being totally honest, I just couldn't bear seeing her like that too. Her breathing was normal, but she looked sick.

Her skin was pale and waxy, a light sheen of sweat coating her body. She would murmur incoherently, and twitch around in the bed, her face screwing up like she was in pain sometimes. It seemed like she was in some sort of nightmare that she just couldn't escape from.

I couldn't bare to see her like that and not be able to help. I tried to give her more of my blood that didn't do anything at all. When I wasn't by her side, I was running jobs with the other guys trying to keep my mind off of things.

As long as I was busy, I didn't think about it as strongly. When I was with her, it was overwhelming me, the fact that I could do absolutely nothing to help her. I was helpless and I didn't like it at all.

Sam was constantly checking on me, which was annoying as hell, but maybe not as annoying as what the other guys were doing. They were avoiding me. Might be because I had reverted back to who I was before Chloe.

An uptight asshole, but I just didn't have the patience for their bullshit anymore. Not with everything that was going on. We were supposed to pick up Millie, Elias, and the human girl from Aza tonight.

I was looking forward to that. I needed a way to get this rage that was building up inside of me out. Torturing those pieces of shit seemed like a good way to do that.

Except the girl, of course. I didn't know who she was or what she was to Elias, but it wasn't my concern. I would compel her and let her go back to her life.

I went in to check on Chloe again before we left to do that. I had Sam, Jake, Corey, and Elton coming with me. Devyn and Kat were going to stay with Chloe, while Mike, Kevin, Aryia, and Tara watched over them all.

I heard Katrina crying softly as I neared my room. While I didn't like to stay in the room all the time, I did sleep with Chloe. It just made me feel better, and I hoped that it somehow got through to her that I wasn't giving up.

I opened the door and peeked inside, seeing the girls seated on the couch next to each other. They looked up at me when I walked in.

"Hey Colby." Kat said, sniffing and wiping her eyes.

Devyn gave me a soft smile, and I noticed she was rubbing Kat's back.

"We were just talking and got a little emotional." Devyn replied.

I nodded.

"I get it...but she'll be okay. I'm gonna get her back. Sam and I are going to talk to the witch tonight after we..take care of the other things. Hopefully, she can help us out."

I walked over to the side of the bed, and sat down next to Chloe. I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips, letting them graze over her skin for a moment, before resting her hand against her chest. I leaned over her and kissed her lips softly.

"I miss you baby girl. I know you can hear me. Keep fighting, okay? Keep fighting for me. I'm gonna bring you back but you have to keep fighting. I love you." I whispered in her ear.

I kissed her again, then stood up, ready to go. I nodded to the girls again.

"Take care of her for me." I said, before walking out the door, and shutting it behind me. "Sam, I'm ready to go." I said walking down the hallway.

He was by my side a second later, the both of us walking down the stairs.

"You sure you're ready to see him? You can't just kill him Colby. We need to talk to him." Sam said.

I shook my head angrily.

"Killing him is too easy. Too pleasant for him. I don't plan on killing him. I plan on making him wish he were dead, letting him live, then doing it all over again. I'm going to make him pay for this and tell us everything in the process. Millie though. She's just dead. I'm tired of dealing with her." My voice was cold, hard as steel.

It almost frightened me, with how devoid of any emotion besides anger, it was. Whatever though. I would be fine.

I had always been fine. I would be fine now. Sam didn't reply, but I saw the look on his face.

It wouldn't be long before he decided to say something.

To ask how I was again, or-

"Colby, are you sure-"

"Shut up Sam. I told you, I'm fine. Stop asking every two seconds. Fuck." I barked out.

I felt guilty for a second, knowing that Chloe would be upset with me for talking to him like that. I knew he was just worried about me, but he shouldn't be worried about me. He should be worried about Chloe.

We should all just be concentrating on her right now and doing what we can to fix this situation. Not fucking worrying about my dumb ass. I was fine.

I heard him growl from behind me.

"No, I'm done with this!"

Next thing I know, I found myself being slammed up against the downstairs wall, his forearm against my throat.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I asked, not even the slightest bit concerned.

I even rolled my eyes at him.

He was being over dramatic.

"I'm not fucking messing around with you anymore Brother! Enough is enough! You keep walking around here, just like you were before. Not caring about anyone but yourself!"

I growled, deep in my throat. "That's a fucking lie!" I yelled in his face.

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